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  1. h.l_nathan

    Best way to level a stank for an 8 foot aquarium?

    any wood shim would be fine. just use lots of them.
  2. h.l_nathan

    What filter system would you recommend for a 220 -300 gallon freshwater tank?

    ok I ask a bubby down in TO to contact you and pick me up a kit. Thanks
  3. h.l_nathan

    What filter system would you recommend for a 220 -300 gallon freshwater tank?

    float system, drip emitters and anything else you think i would need. Thanks
  4. h.l_nathan

    What filter system would you recommend for a 220 -300 gallon freshwater tank?

    sorry my bad. I need an auto drip to do about 100GPD. I already have lines a Tallboy carbon and sediment filter to filter my tap water. Also a Merlin RO available if needed
  5. h.l_nathan

    What filter system would you recommend for a 220 -300 gallon freshwater tank?

    Can I get some more info of that system. how many gallons per day? For 214 bucks i'm considering a few
  6. h.l_nathan

    What filter system would you recommend for a 220 -300 gallon freshwater tank?

    drip hey chen you took the words right out of my mouth. I was gonna ask for the same system too.
  7. h.l_nathan

    Best titanium heater for a 300?

    I think you should look for a 1000w heater and just put it in the sump. I have one in my sump and seems to be running fine the last 3 years. Also it will be in a place where it wont cause injuries or burn on your fishes
  8. h.l_nathan

    18 month update on an aro com

    Its about 500 gal.
  9. h.l_nathan

    LF: Flagtail (Fei Feng) - GTA

    Hey Eken I'm gonna be down in T dot this weekend too, but not for fishes though.
  10. h.l_nathan

    Tanning lights

    I've always been a fan of T5s. Ive had the on most of my aros from Van and Montreal, but i use different color spectrum for different aros. Theo if you are looking for nicer enhancement of your show red. give my bro or my pops a call and see if they still have anymore HO T5s at their place you...
  11. h.l_nathan

    Purple based xb?

    where did u get that aro
  12. h.l_nathan

    18 month update on an aro com

    i would but they're fighting like crazy now for dominacy
  13. h.l_nathan

    My aro hates MP

    Thats y. if you start feeding frogs now for a whole week or 2 its gonna be even more of a headache to try and get them back to MP. Try to drop 1 frog wait for a few min. then throw a MP so that it hits the water surface hard. I bet your aro will go after the MP chew for a bit, then spit it out...
  14. h.l_nathan

    My aro hates MP

    You can try my approach and drop 1 prawn in go away for 10 min. If the prawn is still there starve him for a week then try again. But most of my aros staved for over a month theres one Shelook that went for 2 month without taking food. Now whatever i throw in there they eats up right away
  15. h.l_nathan

    18 month update on an aro com

    Hey Mike thanks for the comment but its my dad and my brother that raise that tank. I'm up in Montreal almost full time now. I still have another tank up here thats 180gal bigger than the one down there
  16. h.l_nathan

    18 month update on an aro com

    Hey how u manage to still recognize that widebar was yours.
  17. h.l_nathan

    Water change

    For me i do 50% WC weekly for i have large bioload. and prime i dont measure no more i just eyeballed. little bit more or less wont hurt.
  18. h.l_nathan

    WTB fei feng

    If anyone in Van or the lower mainland has any large fei feng 8" and up they want to let go. Let me know
  19. h.l_nathan


    yeah I passed by yesterday when i was around the neighborhood and his place was closed
  20. h.l_nathan


    Not in a rush. I'm just in town for some work. i'll just check him out on my free time. Thats after I visit the family and inlaws