18 month update on an aro com


Arowana blogger
In January 2009 I had the pleasure to import nine large aros for a com set up in Vancouver.

3- Gold Head Saphire X Back
2- Blue Base X Back
2- Blue Base Bloodred
1- Platinum X Back
1- Tong Yan

See here:

The Panda Reds came in too small, (which led to later problems), and were later replaced with a pair of Maju SR's. One Maju SR was sold I believe, and was then replaced with a large Quian Hu Violet Fusion SR which the customer had in another tank.
I finally made it out to get an update video (18 months later), which you can see here:

Overall, I think the aro com has turned out okay, though the split fins are a pitty. Not too sure there are many ways around that though. I think the CV Maju SR has turned out well. It is the SR with a brighter chilli colour to it.
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I love the look of sapphire cross backs. Awesome looking aro's.

The maju SR is probably the nicest SR in the tank. It looks like Nathan has done a good job of managing this comm-- the fish are all very healthy looking. The investment in time and money needed to run a tank like this is HUGE, and I always give my respect to the hobbyist willing to pursue such a challenge.
i still remember all of the widebars i brought in! this one because of his tail bar. good job on raising him up. hes a big eater.
Hey Mike thanks for the comment but its my dad and my brother that raise that tank. I'm up in Montreal almost full time now. I still have another tank up here thats 180gal bigger than the one down there
Hey Mike thanks for the comment but its my dad and my brother that raise that tank. I'm up in Montreal almost full time now. I still have another tank up here thats 180gal bigger than the one down there

any updates on your tank in montreal? snap some pics of the current stock!