Search results

  1. M

    Panda Marble Blue XB

    Large water changes and good biological filtration is all one needs. It's been years since I've used activated carbon. Glad to see he's recovering nicely.
  2. M

    Looking for indo dat in Toronto Area

    Here's another IT Good luck
  3. M

    Spray Bar

    Out or under the water as long as it agitates the surface it's pretty much the same. Surface agitation means more O2 exchange. I have my FX5s output directed towards the surface as well.
  4. M

    Testing out the waters - Tetraodon Pustulatus

    Send him over here Justin :)
  5. M

    Hello All Brothers, Nice to meet you !

    Welcome to the forum bud.
  6. M


    Yup, same with Jager heaters. It's a loop in the system.
  7. M

    Looking for indo dat in Toronto Area

    Go to Big Al's or something, if you look online, just for one piece, the shipping will be more then the fish itself.
  8. M

    Price of reds

  9. M

    Price of reds

    Panda arowanas. We have a privileged relationship with Mr. Kan from Panda and all our arowanas are hand picked by him for us. The prices are very competitive and you get a good bang for your buck. ;)
  10. M

    My new tank is being delivered by crane!

    Oh boy, if you haven't updated that basement yet, then you're looking at some serious basement reno.
  11. M

    Price of reds

    Not with the current US-CDN exchange. I think we have a very competitive price/quality stock.
  12. M


    Yup, there's still time for someone to join the order.
  13. M

    Anyone keep silver dollars of any type?

    Get another group and feed lettuce daily ...they'll grow up just as your old group.
  14. M

    You think your Rays are big...

    Yup.. Himantura it is. I didn't take a good look at them. Himantura signifer maybe?
  15. M

    You think your Rays are big...

    They are, or at least I think they are cownose rays.
  16. M

    new pickups...big boys...

    Wicked. Kenta's boys?
  17. M

    You think your Rays are big...

    No kidding, too bad the guy grabs the tail of one of them at the end.
  18. M

    Paper shredder

    Nevermind I'll buy one.
  19. M

    Paper shredder

    Does anyone in Montreal have a paper shredder? I know it sounds funny, but bear with me. I just need some bedding and I don't feel like buying one just for that.
  20. M

    24 inch hbrtg arowana for sale

    As funny as it sounds :D I wish I could say yes though, you definitely can score at originality :cool: