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  1. M

    LF - Channa Pleuropthalma

    Talk to Earl (King-el) on or MFK. He just got some. Shipping from Vancouver would be another 80-100$ I think for 1box.
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    Talk to Kole, he has some I think.
  3. M

    Full Gold update

    Very nice piece.
  4. M


    The rounded corners were the Starphire trademark, it wasn't just the glass. But as you mentioned, there are a lot of "knock-offs". Ask the retailer, he should be able to tell you more. I'd go for a nice acrylic if I were you.
  5. M


    Starphire ...
  6. M

    want to buy asian arowana

    Go get yourself a silver, it will save you the 50k fine and the jail time. :) Too funny.
  7. M

    Need some answers and advices

    1) Do i need extra support from my basement to handle this weight? Unless you have a flimsy floor, anything under 250gal shouldn't be a problem. To have more support place the tank in such way that it sits across the support beams, not along them. 2) With young children in the house should...
  8. M

    Tiger ray $800 Niagara

    That's bellow cost. Sorry I don't have time for them man, I'd take her in no time. GLWTS
  9. M

    what defines a golden head arowana?

    Don't mention it. The chances of getting a "gold head" without actually knowing that it might be are pretty slim. It started like that though, the first gold heads were just "new" dominant genes in few gold aros and by line breeding they got to the beauties they are today. That being sad...
  10. M

    LF:::ST DATS!!!!

    +1 :D
  11. M

    Preparing to install a 535 gallon tank into my basement

    His too busy with his retirement :rolleyes: ...come on man, let us see the bad boy.
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    what defines a golden head arowana?

    The more gold (up to full helmet) the better and more expensive the fish.
  13. M

    Aro laying eggs

    Same guy, weeks later with fry I thought you can embed youtube?!?!?
  14. M

    Different style tanks

    Well, if you have a stock of 10k+ in your tank, the cost of the tank becomes irrelevant, right? They are not as expensive as you think.
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    Different style tanks

    All the glass tanks out there (All-Glass, Perfecto etc) are as good as they get. Best would be an acrylic tank, but that's only worth it if you're getting a large tank, 300gal+. Tenecor would be that, Cirrus has a 535gal, I have a 400gal Tenecor. Best tank I ever had. If you're thinking of...
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    Different style tanks

    Unless you go full circle tanks, small bowfronts of half circle tanks are useless for big fish. Stick to a traditional rectangular shape, not to mention that the 144 gal you mention costs more than a 220gal rectangular most likely.
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    Newest pick-ups...

    Heh, good, by then they would be 14"
  18. M

    Newest pick-ups...

    Love the Scobina. I am out of fish for the moment, except my Tigrinus that won't sell :D ...I'll put them in a pond and raise them up I guess.
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    T.O. hobbyists ....

    Actual or prospective? I'll most likely end up in Toronto in a couple years.
  20. M

    Premium Power Red

    My friends' adult RTG, massive 24"er, died in his 180 when he was doing a water change. He just bolted into the glass and gone baby.