Newest pick-ups...



Haven’t been posted too much lately, so I figured I would post some pictures of a few of my recent pick-ups. Not the best pictures, but they get the point across.

Baby Spatula. Got a couple of these from the LFS, once they grow up a bit more they will be moved into my Gar and Bichir tank with Cubans, Tropicals, Spotteds, various Bichirs and a few others.


Big male Scobina, picked him up a month or so ago from Oliver Lucanus. He was my only pick up from this years Brazil ban lift. Finally settled in and gaining some good weight, he will eventually go in my new 300 with a bunch of other Rays, Arowana, and Dats.


Finally the only Arowana I have kept from the spring ‘09 order. I bought four, hoping to introduce them to my current Arowana and so to have a community of PG and PGS, unfortunately it didn’t work out how I planned, so I sold the rest and kept this one to grow up. His shine is up to the 5th level, not too bad for an 8 inch Panda Gold.


Thanks for looking,

Justin Morash
Love the Scobina. I am out of fish for the moment, except my Tigrinus that won't sell :D ...I'll put them in a pond and raise them up I guess.
i like the scobina. do you cut the airline tubing off right away when they come in or wait til they shed the stinger?
Thanks, he's awesome, I want to get some females that are the same size or bigger for him in the near future.

Depends on the fish. Most of the motoros I have had come in were fat and eating right away, so I will usually cut it off the day later. While I waited for it to shed off the flowers, tiger or rays I were unsure about that I have had in the past. Just because they took alittle longer to settle in and I don't want to stress them out during their adjustment.

