Search results

  1. m_class2g

    possible pregnancy?

    good! will keep everyone posted! hope my rtg leaves them alone...
  2. m_class2g

    possible pregnancy?

    nice! wonder what they will look like. does the pattern usually show right at birth!?
  3. m_class2g

    possible pregnancy?

    seems to have 2 in there. i wonder if there could be more?
  4. m_class2g

    Geryi. Violet line pirahna

    NP. he looks pretty big!
  5. m_class2g

    possible pregnancy?

    heres the most recent vid. how much longer from the looks of it!? she got pregnant on dec 13th. so a little over 3 months now. YouTube - 03092011 female marble
  6. m_class2g

    Geryi. Violet line pirahna

    he made it! great!
  7. m_class2g

    FS: 6 inch PNT - SOLD

    really need the room. $650 shipped.
  8. m_class2g

    Lots of rays for sale and more to come

    is that the super nice pearl x marble female you posted a while back!? honda u should get that one. nice list. gluck with the sale!
  9. m_class2g

    FS: 6 inch PNT - SOLD

    just a canon sd3500. shoots hd vids!
  10. m_class2g

    FS: 6 inch PNT - SOLD

    Few interests! First to pay in full will get the pnt. As I've pmed the interested parties. Thanks!
  11. m_class2g

    FS: 6 inch PNT - SOLD

    SOLD. Thanks
  12. m_class2g

    wtb Violet Line (Geryi) Piranha

    dont know any besides that one for sale. good luck with the p!
  13. m_class2g

    wtb Violet Line (Geryi) Piranha

    no problem! hope everything works out for you! shouldnt be too hard shipping a 8 inch fish!!
  14. m_class2g

    wtb Violet Line (Geryi) Piranha

    this guy in bc has one for sale. 8 + inches. someone can help out with shipping im sure.
  15. m_class2g

    Two forum members in Bangkok

    lots of amazing rays at that farm. they usually sell to europe and japan. the 4 p14 pups in the pic above sold for $14k to japan. it was nice to talk to the experts and see a breeding facility that was not as high tech in terms of equipment compared to mike at H20 but is equally as...
  16. m_class2g

    Grade this fish please

    buying smaller xbacks will be more of a gamble these days. i was in thailand and saw 90% of gold aros (xbacks and even rtgs) all in white tanks. i guess the best is to buy them over a foot long to see actual gold rims on the scale and not just shine. im sure a select few in asia, with their...
  17. m_class2g

    Two forum members in Bangkok

    Heres a few pictures of the rays from the farm.
  18. m_class2g

    Two forum members in Bangkok

    heres a vid of a stingray farm i visited during my stay in bangkok. many more to come!