possible pregnancy?

Make sure you keep the rtg well fed for the next while. You probably won't see much of a pattern at first but in about a month it will start to show more.
You still have that huge rtg??

still have the same rtg! hes 7+ years old now. always hungry! very active. managed to even jump out of the tank 1 time during feeding while i was away for 6 weeks. my mom had to pick him up with her arms and cradle him back into the tank!!!!! this was the first time he ever attempted to kill himself lol.

scott, ive been feeding the rtg a ton! basically stuffing him until he has a hard time swallowing food. hes a big eater tho and gets excited about everything that goes on in and out of the tank... i hope the baby rays keep to the bottom and do not get the rtg too excited!!!

do rays usually give birth at night or the day? hopefully at night so that the rtg is half a sleep lol.
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thanks! heres a vid!

[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D-4CPotEtdM"]YouTube - 03272011 hystrix SP X marble motoro[/ame]
No mp is too stringy for newborns. I find it's best to start them on live blackworms or frozen bloodworms and then after 2-3 days of them eating that start them onto a canadian nightcrawler cut into 3 pieces and after they start eating this for a week start adding in a piece of broken carnivore or h20 wafer for one of the meals. The bigger the pup the quicker it is to switch over to new foods. Mp seems to take the longest to get them onto.
thanks for the tip! will try your ideas.

i moved the male back and he caught his stinger in the net. had to cut around it... theres a little bit of blood and he seems unhappy. hope he'll want to go round 2 when he settles back in!!!
Saw the pups last night, very nice looking fish. I always marvel at how crystal clear you keep your tank water Mike. It must have something to do with your success as a fish keeper. Congrats on a hobby milestone. :)
thanks theo! i guess finally a little hard work paid off lol.

pups were 4 inches when she gave birth. mom was at 14-15 inches.

heres an update of the 2. pics taken at day 3. both eating chopped earthworms now. fat fat bellies. male is trying to knock up female again. should have a next batch in a few months!



Pups look great. You look like you did everything right for your ray during the pregnancy and after birth for 2 pups like that and to be eating chopped earthworm allready !!!