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  1. m_class2g

    P14 Updates..

    stunning black rays chen! i need some!
  2. m_class2g

    Extreme Arowana - Singapore

    wow thats a lot of high end aros! nice pics!
  3. m_class2g

    Guess the fish

    i hope he makes it home safe! gluck chen!
  4. m_class2g

    Biting Aros

    chen feed them with a 1.5 inch pvc tube lol. itll be a lot easier and you dont have to dip your hand inside the water! my aro bit me once while i was doing a wc. i used my python and smacked him a few times lol. he never tried biting ever again. but with a pack of wolves, a dif story! haha.
  5. m_class2g

    Guess the fish

    looks nice. how big? what are they like besides constantly swimming? are they pretty passive to fish they cant fit inside their mouth? looks cool!
  6. m_class2g

    Guess the fish

    lol chen you wanted one for so already. im sure the regulars on here knew that already hehe.
  7. m_class2g

    Thailand 2011

    they actually did not want me to take pics of the birds but i did anyways. lol. i thought it was pretty neat that they had these kind of species for sale at the market. you can pretty much find anything there. even HUGE land tortoises
  8. m_class2g

    FS: Captive Bred Marbles/Hybrid Stingrays (All Sold)

    1 ray left. #1 is the last one for sale.
  9. m_class2g

    That Aquarium - Singapore

    i was looking for that freshwater stingray book #2 in taiwan and thailand but did not find it! saw lots of arowana legend books tho.
  10. m_class2g

    Another Pup!

    looks like a motorosp. saw lots of these guys in thailand. very similar to yours.
  11. m_class2g

    FS: Captive Bred Marbles/Hybrid Stingrays (All Sold)

    just updated stock list. only rays 1 and 6 remaing. ray 5 is scheduled to be picked up tom. sorry for those that inquired about #5.
  12. m_class2g

    That Aquarium - Singapore

    wonderful pics theo!!! everythings such a good deal! lol. 68 for a green aro. lol i think i see a masheer in 2 of the pics as well. ive been wanting some of those! i saw lots in taiwan and my gfs dad has 4 of those that are super hyper all the time!
  13. m_class2g

    AAA Marble Motoro

    hey thanks for the feedback. i sure hope this one will stay light based! i think theres a very good chance since i did see the parents of this fish and both are light based. ill get some updated pics from time to time since he's going to my friends place!
  14. m_class2g

    Thailand 2011

  15. m_class2g

    Thailand 2011

  16. m_class2g

    Thailand 2011

  17. m_class2g

    AAA Marble Motoro

  18. m_class2g

    Purple Red Aquarium - Singapore

    wow i wish i had this kind of selection lol. look at those aros and widebars!!!!!!!!
  19. m_class2g

    Leo finnally had her pups!

    chen best of luck! i hope they are successful! be sure to save me a pup =) i also starve like a perv. im sure we all do when our rays get frisky lol
  20. m_class2g

    Leo finnally had her pups!

    no problem! lets see some pics of the parents!