Biting Aros


Super Moderator
I'm finding that my aros are becoming increasingly viscous not just towards each other but to my hands as well. I clean my tank once a week and sometimes feed my rays with a 36" tong instead of dropping in the food. Over the last month, the aros often bit my fingers and arm when i put them inside the tank...not just one aro but 2-3 at a time. I've tried feeding them until they can't eat anymore and they still attack me! LOL...

Here's a photo of my right hand after this weekends feeding!. It stings when I wash my screamed out a few times when they attacked me and had my kids look out for me but I guess most of the aros being between 14-16" and with 10 of them in there...they are like a pack of wolves! lol

As i feed the rays...I scream half the time ....don't think they are afraid of me!....there goes the saying "Biting the hands that feeds you!"
when i feed my fish I go with my polkadot thong to match my BD Rays... :D

Can we get a feeding video of that?


a video of you putting your hand in and seeing how long you can keep it in there.

I'll be happy with either one.
perhaps I'll be stupid enough to get my daughters to film me with my hands inside and hear me then you'll see the wife come by and hit me on the head for swearing with the kids around!
perhaps I'll be stupid enough to get my daughters to film me with my hands inside and hear me then you'll see the wife come by and hit me on the head for swearing with the kids around!

i'll watch video if ur wife has tongs to match ur rays
LOL! You have a great sense of humour! I only had my aro bite me once but it did take me by surprise. Mine didn't break the skin but it did pinch.

That must be quite the community tank with 10 14" aros! I would love to see the tank, with or without the finger food. I dare you to stick your face in the tank.:p
chen feed them with a 1.5 inch pvc tube lol. itll be a lot easier and you dont have to dip your hand inside the water! my aro bit me once while i was doing a wc. i used my python and smacked him a few times lol. he never tried biting ever again. but with a pack of wolves, a dif story! haha.
LOL...I had my 9 year old with a stick keeping them away while my older daughter watched and warned me! LOL...I whacked a couple of the aros but that didn't work! LOL...I've got a black pvc pipe...i'll use that! they only recently started attacking me!......any more biting and they will be on the frying pan!
LOL...I had my 9 year old with a stick keeping them away while my older daughter watched and warned me! LOL...I whacked a couple of the aros but that didn't work! LOL...I've got a black pvc pipe...i'll use that! they only recently started attacking me!......any more biting and they will be on the frying pan!

Try holding a fish net on the other hand to distract them. Let's see if this will work.