Search results

  1. m_class2g

    Polypterus - Birchirs!

    some nice fish for sure. dont miss out on some wild caughts!
  2. m_class2g

    Which tank for FRT?

    when he was in my tank, i didnt feed him too many massivore pellets. usually algae waffers. 5 a day. i would feed massivore once a week, around 5 or so. its too fun feeding these guys so i would skip 1 day feeding per week just so i dont overfeed. he loves to eat, thats for sure!
  3. m_class2g

    Henlei, bdleo, and bd update

    nice rays!!! were they from shine!?
  4. m_class2g

    Which tank for FRT?

    he looks happy in there with a lot of friends to play with lol. i miss my pnt already! sigh...
  5. m_class2g

    B.C. visit / photo clinic

    hopefully ill have some black rays by then for you to photograph!
  6. m_class2g

    Which tank for FRT?

    all the best Gerry!! =)
  7. m_class2g

    My 180G

    nice setup!
  8. m_class2g

    March 23 - a few photos of landed fish

    nice pearl! i think ill have to order one in the next shipment!
  9. m_class2g

    Dats eating in my 210gal

    oops didnt read the mp part lol. my bad!
  10. m_class2g

    widebar update

    thanks! i got him at 10 inches 4 years ago
  11. m_class2g

    Dats eating in my 210gal

    looks good!!! now i got to get my hands on a few of those lol. what are they eating right now?
  12. m_class2g

    widebar update

    its been a while since i took photos of my st. i decided to move this guy into my 150 gal because my big rtg always tries to bully this guy in the 210. hes the only big fish in the new tank so i hope he does more growing!! i also had the chance to finally put a tape measure on him and hes 16...
  13. m_class2g

    Which tank for FRT?

    i agree with carlos. i think the 150 will be a safer bet than the 360. maybe wait until he reaches 8 inches before you toss him into the big tank. good thing is, you have a lot of tanks/setups for trial and error!
  14. m_class2g

    FS: 6 inch PNT - SOLD

    sorry, was with a client! turtle is all yours gerry! =) PNT IS SOLD. Thanks.
  15. m_class2g

    Geryi. Violet line pirahna

    manuellis are easy to keep. just like any other ps! i had one before. roughly 9-10 inches. finger chaser!
  16. m_class2g

    FS: 6 inch PNT - SOLD

    pmed you back gerry. got another pm besides gerry asking for a lower price. im firm at $500! any lower, ill just setup a 50 gal for him lol. i really dont want to sell my frt!!!
  17. m_class2g

    FS: 6 inch PNT - SOLD

    last price $500.
  18. m_class2g

    possible pregnancy?

    still have the same rtg! hes 7+ years old now. always hungry! very active. managed to even jump out of the tank 1 time during feeding while i was away for 6 weeks. my mom had to pick him up with her arms and cradle him back into the tank!!!!! this was the first time he ever attempted to kill...