Polypterus - Birchirs!


Arowana blogger
I have been wanting to get some wild caught birchirs again for some time. These should not be confused with farm bred birchirs from Asia. You will not find any albino, platinum, short saddle back, etc. in the list below. What you will find are quality wild caught fish.

I first ordered from Rehoboth Aquatics back around 2003, organized a couple group buys on this forum at that time along with forum members Kenta, Yuppa, DeepRed, M_class, to name a few. I later encouraged others to import from them too, and would guess that many of the wild caught stock currently around ultimately come from Rehoboth.

The ower goes by the name Toyin, and is well known in African wild caught community of fish keepers. You can find him on MFK and AP in the USA as a vendor. His base is near Huston, so shipping is only a few hours away. DOA's were handled very professionally in the past. Out of the orders I was involved with, we only had a couple. On each occasion a credit was made to the credit card right away (no hassle about dealing with fish credits that have to be redeemed on a future order, etc.).

I encourage you to check out his website at REHOBOTH AQUATICS and see what catches your eye. I have cut and pasted birchir fish from his in-stock list below:

Polypterus teugelsi 4-6, 8-9" in stock
Polypterus bichir sp. "Koliba"--nice!! 10-12", 13-15" out
Polypterus bichir sp. "Koloton" 10-12, 13" out
Polypterus ornatipinnis(med, lg) 4-6, 7-9" in stock
Polypterus ansorgii 7-9, 10-12" out
Polypterus delhezi(med,lg, xlg) 4-6, 8-10 " in stock
Polypterus palmas palmas 7-9, 10" out
Polypterus palmas buettikoferi 4-6" in stock
Polypterus palmas polli(med, lg) 3-4, 7-9" in stock
Polypterus endlicheri endlicheri "Guinea" 12-13" out
Polypterus retropinnis(aka "Zaire Green") 4-6" out
Polypterus weeksii---very bold solid stripes! 7-9, 10-12" in stock
Polypterus endlicheri endlicheri "Volta River" 4-6, 7-9, 10" in stock
Polypterus sp.aff. endlicheri "Tikinso Guinea" 7-9, 10-12," out
Polypterus endlicheri endlicheri "Nigeria" 8-10" out
Polypterus endlicheri congicus 10-12" in stock
Polypterus bichir lapradei "Guinea" 10-12" out
Polypterus bichir lapradei "Nigeria" 8-10" in stock
Polypterus bichir bichir 10-12, 13-15" in stock
Polypterus bichir bichir (Show sizes) 18-20" in stock
Polypterus mokelembembe(med, lg) 4-6", 7-9" in stock

I am contacting him for the pricing information.

Everyone pay by unit of shipping used (1/8 box, 1/4 box, etc.).

I am going to base the order out of Vancouver and then arrange trans-ship depending on interest; or perhaps we could have multiple shipping points straight out of Huston, whichever makes the most sense.

King_El and I look to be going ahead with this order for sure.