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  1. H

    Predatoryfishkeepers 2012 Calendar.

    I just want one, thanks
  2. H

    Predatoryfishkeepers 2012 Calendar.

    I be interest
  3. H

    Dec 11 update

    They all have pellets only, u will soon know those kelberis has no interest towards MP even earth worm. Right now they eat mainly massivour, I dont throw at once, I divide into maybe 8 times within 1-2mins. My kelberi only go for the bottom when they are hungry. For the past 3 months I feed my...
  4. H

    Dec 11 update

    Those kelberis should look atleast like that. They are the same batch from Taiwan f1 born last spring. The biggest one I have it about 18". They don't grow as big as other pbass, I believe even with 900gal tank they will max at 24" Still, under the same environment, they grown up into...
  5. H

    arowana no cert

    Is it only illegal without cert to export?
  6. H

    300 gallon setup

    Well, I had went through many troubles with tenecor last year, with three times delay over 4 months and missing silencers that never send to me, also problem with shipping and delivery. I wrote on this forum that if I can choose again I won't go for tenecor.
  7. H

    Potamotrygon falkneri P53

    Oh oh, I already over stock my 900gallon
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    fully cross back gold arowana

    the previous owner doesn have it, and i mean to buy a good quality cross back not a piece of paper. I have many other aro certs but those aro didnt developed as i expect
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    fully cross back gold arowana

    you are right, i guess i wont do it, main reason is there are many of fully crossback aro out there in the market.
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    actually the BD looks better in person, the female will be post later when it has more significant change.
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    Haven't posted some crappy pics in a while

    mbu puffer dont you need to feed snail, inorder to trim their teeth. thats the only part why i didnt keep my mbu puffer
  12. H

    down size sale

    flagtail $115 L234 pleco $360
  13. H

    fully cross back gold arowana

    price drop i want to sell it before i leave the country on nov for 5 weeks, it is currently at 220g tank in the basement. I am considering to put it with my red aro into 900gallon if i dont sell it, i be betting on 10% of chance if they can co existing $3300 firm
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    after 3 months update they are about 9"-10"
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    Extremely High Quality Ray

    if i am wrong, i believe the star of Amazon had moved their business to China.
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    900 gallon update

    Those are kelberis peacock bass
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    900 gallon update

    it is 10'x4'x3'
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    900 gallon update

    nan light are used average 8hrs weekly. the video was taken under natual day light