Search results

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    anyone using or heard of.....

    Anyone using or heard about these heaters? Finnex 500 watts Titanium heater with controller or Pro-Heat II 1000 watt LCD Titanium Heater with controller
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    fs - hikari fish food

    hikari massivore delight 13.4oz resealable bag, expires july 2012 - $30ea hikari tropical food sticks 2.2lb (1 kg) resealable bag, expires aug 2012 - $80ea for out of towners shipping available but better off to piggy back off someones fish order thats going into your city.
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    Stingrays as an investment?

    i think the 6k fish oliver has on his list is for a true BD leo...
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    How to release newly transported rays into aquarium

    I did the "dump" method with no problems a few days ago. temperature match and then took the ray out with my hands and into the tank...
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    where to drill

    you should probably drill the holes on the back top corners of the tank, and not on the bottom just incase the power goes out.
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    FS/FT - 4-5" silver dollars

    I have 5 silver dollars for trade or for sale. around 4-5" all for $25
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    Tank Mate's Safety???

    buy sinking pellets aswell
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    How to calculate O2 requirements for stingrays

    thanks theo what brand is it?
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    How to calculate O2 requirements for stingrays

    does anyone know where i can get a battery operated air pump in vancouver?? i need one asap!!!
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    fs - Panda Red

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    fs - Panda Red

    im in vancouver the fish is a pending sale...
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    210 gallon cummunity

    nice tank mike, now you are missing a disto!
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    fs - Panda Red

    heres some videos of the red SIZE EDIT : hes grown since i posted him....about 7"
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    looking to buy red or gold

    hi i have one red for sale pm me if you are still interested
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    Hi i have one for sale if you are interested...
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    fs - Panda Red

    just putting out a feeler to see if anyone is interested in a Panda Red arowana about 5-6" no visible defects at the moment eating pellets, krill. market prawns $1588 obo
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    Crimson Obsession Updates

    nice piece bro what kind of lighting are you using? (im in the market for one)
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    Some fresh aro pics

    what kind of lighting do you use? lens?
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    What do you keep with your aro?

    210g - 20" hbrtg, 10" dat, 10" FF, 12" distichodus sexfaciatus
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    My rays had pups!

    lets see some pics!