What do you keep with your aro?

My first tank I have 1 RTG, 3 sillvers, 6 parrots, 1 king kong parrot, 1 pleco, 1 majestic shelter, 1 flagfin,and one black bar silver dollar. Tank number two 1 Red arowana, 2 flower horn parrots, 4 king kong parrots, 1 gold nugget pleco, and another hi fin pleco. Tank number three 1 Red aro, 1 flag fin, and 1 pleco. Tank four 1 Red aro, 1 Siberian sturgeon, 4 Indo Tigers, and 1 pleco.

woah thats alot.
130g- hb rtg, 1 siamese tiger, spiny eel, fire eel, 2 clown loaches, 1 flash pleco, and another pleco forget the name.
220 g 1 shelook, 2 lucky, 1 fusion, 1 super red a phoenix 10 tinfoil barb
tank 2 340g 1 blue base gold, 1 blue base super red, 1 fusion, 1 gold tail platinum, 2 phoenix and a pair of motoro...Sooon to add on a pair of leopoldi.
220 g 1 shelook, 2 lucky, 1 fusion, 1 super red a phoenix 10 tinfoil barb
tank 2 340g 1 blue base gold, 1 blue base super red, 1 fusion, 1 gold tail platinum, 2 phoenix and a pair of motoro...Sooon to add on a pair of leopoldi.

I will say you have the best aros. in Canada so far as I know. Hmmm, that platinum.
but no i'm still not the best in canada yet. There's one guy down in bc custom build an indoor pond for his aros. Last i saw he has about 34. I dont know if he bought more since i last saw him.
and aparently there's also an other guy his web is Arowanacanada.ca down in TO. My bro said that guy just live breath aros...
120 gal - 1 silver aro, 1 albino oscar, 1 dat tiger, 6 silver dollars, 4 tinfoil barb, 1 motoro stingray, 4 KKP
220g. (RTG,Gar,3 jumbo clown loaches, imperial shark, FF, 3 red hook silver dollars, 2 parrot, 2 St's)
320g - 1 RTG, 2 motoro, 2 peacock bass, 5 silver dollars, 1 tinfoil barb, 1 dat
270g - 1 severum, when grown up - 1 red aro, 2 motoro rays, 2 florida gars, 1 ornate bichir
pretty cool how this got bumped up. my list changed so here goes.

180 - panda chilli red, 4 king kong parrots, 1 indo tiger, 1 endi

150 - xian leng rtg, 1 widebar, 1 prochilodus, 1 indo tiger
180 gallon, with 15" RTG, 2 INDO Tiger 10"and 8", 2 king kong, 3 pelco ( tiger) and 2 golden spot pelco, and 1 Flagtail 12".
180g 6x2x2 (for now)

18" RTG
10" NTT
2 endli bichirs 11" + 15"
2 ornate bichirs 10" + 12"

In the process of building 360 for them. Will be adding 4 pbass to the mix as well. Growing them out in a different tank. :)
Don't have my new tanks up and running yet, current fish are scattered about and new fish on the way. BUT... plans are!:

Big tank (undecided size) - 4 x PG, 1 PGS, 2 x Marble Motoro, 2 x P.Leopoldi, 1 x sp. Pearl, 3 x Polypterus Endlicheri, 1 x AUL and some dats.

Smaller tank (210 I believe) - 1 BBXB, group of geophagus sp. red head, group of geo.Altifrons, group of geo. sp. multi bar, group of panda uaru and a pair of p.scobina.

I know I like my tanks packed, but I spend a lot money of filters and these are only starters. Once I get a bigger bigger tank, one of these tanks will be a bichir community.

120 gallon 1 green arowana, 1 silver arowana, 1 black arowana, 1 alligator gar, 1 clown knife, 1 motoro stingray