Search results

  1. L

    Severums with Aro's

    since your rtg or green will be your most expenive fish in the tank, id keep that guy on its own maybe you can make a cheap egg crate divider and seperate the pearl and sevs
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    Malaysian Arowana

    how much do aros cost in the UK?
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    Hi guys

    welcome to the site
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    My first Aro

    nice aro G sharky do you have any tank mates with it at the moment/?
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    Update of my 2 Little Red Dragons

    nice looking aros, i also like the second pic but maybe bcuz its brighter
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    My motoros

    thanks for the tips anyone know the best place to buy night crawlers in van?
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    Hello Aro people

    welcome G sharky
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    My motoros

    who are you asking that question to chilli red?
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    forgot to add that i do put in salt every water change aswell...i hope it will get better
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    Pix of my RTG purchase back in December

    nice looking rtg
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    My motoros

    how often do you feed your rays? i got mine 2 monthes ago but still look skinny and small....i would liek to pump them up..
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    well my temp is about 80 degrees always and my water has been the same since the beginning when i got him, hes not stopped entirely but just eating small meals. I only feed once a day but now i am trying a variety of foods...maybe this will help
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    does an arowana lose its appetite and eat less when it gets old
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    Gold Ocean new shipment

    thats pretty cheap hey kenta are you guys like BIG Als, do you guys match and beat prices? lol jk ...but i would like to see what they look like from that farm...
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    guess i like rays alittle to much

    nice rays.
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    She's got Red Lips...

    awesome looking fish, i like the tall body look
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    i let my water sit a few days before using...
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    My motoros

    your motoros look great whats their eating/food diet?
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    nice looking fish!
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    Best setup for Wet Dry?

    if you have "lots" of bioballs, it wouldnt hurt to rinse "some" off in tank water like you would do with your filter media.