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  1. R

    cutting gill curl?

    I had an issue with one of my filters and shortly after that my red aro got a bit of gill curl on the bottom of one side. Top 3/4's is totally fine as is the other side but anyone cut the gill off a large aro? I would like to cut it off (just the affected part) and any tips or help doing it...
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    Asian arowana scam scam scam

    They do this scam for all kinds of animals tortoises etc... If you see Cameroon or anything about Western union run lol
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    Red Dragon FH

    If you need any advice on anything including info on livestock just give me a call and can help anyway I can. The tank shouldn't have any issues for drilling just take your time if you do go that route. Before you know it you'll have a school of Japanese Dragon morays in there :D
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    Red Dragon FH

    Theo drill it and go with a sump you'll be happier in the long run. You can come by the shop anytime and can go over options ( come see the AI sol blue LEDs they look awesome ). Let me know if your gonna part with the flowerhorn as I may be interested
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    Anyone else into corals?

    Ya some of the best tanks I've ever had I was dumb enough to not get even one picture of lol. What can you do live and learn lol
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    Anyone else into corals?

    Thanks a lot. There actually Crosshatch triggers but same family as the Blue throats.
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    Anyone else into corals?

    Ya I love them. Had a tank with 5 dragon eels with lionfish and urchins. Never had to worry about anyones hands in the tank though did make routine maintenance interesting lol. Do you have any pics of your old tank?
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    Anyone else into corals?

    Hell yes I'm into corals lol. So much so that I bought into a large Saltwater fish and coral store :D. Here's a couple of pics of some of my older tanks. Sorry photograghy isn't a strong suit lol
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    180gal tank qusetion

    I should say back in the day(way back! Lol)when I was about 15 I had a 135 gallon on the worst store bought stand in history. It was basically just a sheet of melamine for a bottom , another sheet for the top and basically open in the middle with two doors on each end. So holding it up were 4...
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    180gal tank qusetion

    Absolutely it can and more. Think about it in very simple terms if a 180 gallon tank won't collapse some of the flimsy store bought melamine or lightly stapled wood stand then how would it collapse 2x10's standing on end especially if against the grain ( even strong 2x4 stands are nothing...
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    Happy Holidays

    Oh I do! Lol
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    7 yr old rtg

    Who knows maybe he'll be so lucky to live as long as this guy lol. Supposedly a bit over 40 years of age! Quite impressive
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    Happy Holidays

    In my world Santas sleigh is pulled by arowanas with rudolf the chilli red up front lol For sure Merry Christmas everyone and all the best in the new year!
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    New powerhead option

    The new koralia pumps have improved quite a bit over the old ones. The new koralia 4 which is now the koralia 1400 is smaller with half the wattage and 200 gallons and hour of more flow. One of the best bang for your buck powerheads. They do make larger ones to if needed ( I have an koralia 8 on...
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    Too funny I have a Halloween crab too and a rose hair course there's the other 150 exotic species of tarantulas I own too (at one point thousands when I was importing them for people lol). Also at the moment have a bearded dragon a huge redfoot and a leopard tortoise and Japanese dragon morays ...
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    monster Tank Elegant Chinese Cuisine @ McCowan and Hwy 7

    To me it looks like they have plenty of open swimming space and to be all in good health. As long as he can maintain his water quality I think the fish he has look great
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    Sick KKP

    That's too bad sorry to hear
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    Sick KKP

    If it popped out that quickly maybe he banged it on something if not he has Popeye . It's usually brought on by a water quality or gram positive bacterial issue. In saltwater if any fish come in and develop it I treat them with chemiclean which is erythromycin a gram positive antibiotic with...
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    7 yr old rtg

    He definitely looks like he has the grumpy old man syndrome lol. He really has a great look about him
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    They are more easily stressed than a lot of other lizards. I've kept some in some fairly high traffic areas and they've done well. Young kids running around screaming kind of traffic might be too much though. I have a friend who wholesales reptiles and might be able to get you a good price on...