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  1. DragonfishExotics

    possible pregnancy?

    Keep us updated on the pups.
  2. DragonfishExotics

    March 27 Update

    Amazing tank, very well done!
  3. DragonfishExotics

    Welcome Feng Shui Aquatics

    Thanks for the warm welcome!!
  4. DragonfishExotics

    March 23 - a few photos of landed fish

    That SR looks great, bright red on the lips, long pectoral fins also, shes gonna be a beauty!
  5. DragonfishExotics

    Platinum gold austrilian arowana?

    Yes def curious for a pic.
  6. DragonfishExotics

    Cycling used tank with used filters

    When I just cycled my 210 gal, it seemed to be taking its sweet time, so I heard good and bad reviews on tetra safe start and decided to try it, over night I watched the Nitrite part of my cycle completely finish. And since then my parameters have been perfect. Id give it a shot.
  7. DragonfishExotics

    Dats eating in my 210gal

    They were sold to me as D. pulchers from Vietnam. Im pretty happy with them, they are usually stable and nice coloring. Oh and every other day I soak the MP in zoe, just for added vitamins.
  8. DragonfishExotics

    widebar update

    That st is huge, nice fish!
  9. DragonfishExotics

    Black Arowana and Gar

    Hows your fei feng with your ray?
  10. DragonfishExotics

    possible pregnancy?

    You still have that huge rtg??
  11. DragonfishExotics

    possible pregnancy?

    The pregnant rays ive seen at Mikes looked like just two humps but were carrying more then two. Good luck Mike!
  12. DragonfishExotics

    FS: 6 inch PNT - SOLD

    Nice PNT Mike, I was I lived closer!
  13. DragonfishExotics

    What size UV sterilizer

    I went for a 40 watt for my 210, I think over kill on UV is best
  14. DragonfishExotics

    Close up pic

    I convinced Mike from H20 to sell a me a few out of his private collection out of his 600 gallon. He bought them last year and said he couldnt get them again, he has tried apparently.
  15. DragonfishExotics

    Close up pic

    Heres a close up of one of my 10 dats I just purchased. I did a dat comm tank with a 210 gal.
  16. DragonfishExotics

    Self-leveling cement for tank base

    I checked out that sand filter, looks like the same one mike uses on his rack for the small pups, looks like it would do that job! Just a bit loud tho.
  17. DragonfishExotics

    Dats eating in my 210gal

    Heres a short video of my 10 dats eating some vitamin soaked MP at dinner time. Please excuse the Black Arowana, I do live in NY now smh.
  18. DragonfishExotics

    Self-leveling cement for tank base

    Tank looks good Theo, what will you be running for filtration?
  19. DragonfishExotics

    Whats the most prized fish you ever owned?

    Come on guys lets hear what your most fav or prized fished you ever owned? Yes turtles are included.