Search results

  1. DragonfishExotics

    tilted aro?? and split tailfin

    hows your water quality? SB problem?
  2. DragonfishExotics

    Panda RTG from summer order

    nice fish!
  3. DragonfishExotics

    Arowana Tending to fry Video

    great video
  4. DragonfishExotics

    8" dat

    Sorry to hear that, my 2 dats were fighting more then usual so yesterday I just split them up.
  5. DragonfishExotics


    Hapy New Year everyone!
  6. DragonfishExotics

    red arowanas

    Not all reds will turn completely red. There is first grade red, then also 1.5 grade red. Most 1.5 grade wont turn red, maybe red finage, but you get what you pay for. Also your aros parents has a the most influence, diet, water quality, lighting, and then luck!
  7. DragonfishExotics

    Xmas update BBXB

    Your blue base should come with time. Have a aro requires great patients.
  8. DragonfishExotics

    Xmas update BBXB

    I couldnt help but notice, but is your aro growing marijuana in his tank!!...:eek:
  9. DragonfishExotics


    Hello and welcome
  10. DragonfishExotics

    My RTG from the summer order

    I got my Chili at the same order, our fsh are identical in size, good to compare, and see how the growth is comming. Nice fish.
  11. DragonfishExotics

    FS: Pig nose turtle

    PM sent on BC aquatics
  12. DragonfishExotics

    Looking for south american lungfish.

    Rainforest? perhaps?
  13. DragonfishExotics


    Has anyone kept a Merodontonus tigrinus catfish with their arowana? I was looking into getting one for my arowana comm tank, any experiences?
  14. DragonfishExotics

    looking for Spotted arowana (Scleropages leichardti)

    My friend has an 18" one for sale. Pm me if interested.
  15. DragonfishExotics

    Dropped Arowana Scale

    my 22" hbrtg lost a scale last year, it took 6 weeks for it to grow back completely.
  16. DragonfishExotics

    Greetings from KL.

    Welcome to the board!
  17. DragonfishExotics


    Hey welcome to the board!!
  18. DragonfishExotics

    Drop eye: good or bad

    I have seen bad cases of drop eye, when people have fed their aros goldfish and they get fat behind their eyes cause it to protrude out.
  19. DragonfishExotics

    My Beloved Red

    nice thin frame!