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  1. C

    New Tank Setup

    I agree on the seachem stability. I found it worked absolute wonders in my marine systems but seemed to do very little in my freshwater systems. Better off seeding your filter with live bacteria anyway as they are already reproducing rapidly and will seed your filter very quickly.
  2. C

    New Tank Setup

    I agree on the seachem stability. I found it worked absolute wonders in my marine systems but seemed to do very little in my freshwater systems. Better off seeding your filter with live bacteria anyway as they are already reproducing rapidly and will seed your filter very quickly.
  3. C

    Fin trim operation

    I just didn't feed him the night before. Although I wouldn't recommend feeding the same day as the procedure, mine ate a couple hours after returning to his tank.
  4. C

    8" marble motoro

    no longer available.
  5. C

    8" marble motoro

    Yes he's about 14" across. A little too much for this girl to handle.
  6. C

    8" marble motoro

    She should definitely come around. She's been eating for about a week again and all her wounds are healed over. She just needs time to put on some weight and regenerate her disk.
  7. C

    8" marble motoro

    Hey everyone. A couple of weeks ago my larger male marble took a round out of this smaller female. She has started to make a good recovery but still needs some tlc to get her through. She is an absolute stunner and I've had her for nearly a year. If anyone is interested in her and willing to...
  8. C


    Oliver is top notch! Glad to see Belowwater as a member on! Welcome!
  9. C

    FS: HBRTG w/Cert

    Very nice hbrtg. Showing very good potential. Good Luck with the sale
  10. C

    New Tank Setup

    Hey Chen, looks sweet. Glad to see everything arrived alright. Can't wait to see it setup and running!
  11. C

    New Tank Setup

    Hey Chen, looks sweet. Glad to see everything arrived alright. Can't wait to see it setup and running!
  12. C

    Fin trim operation

    I picked up the clove oil from shoppers drug mart (life brand). I found the best tool in my circumstances was a sharp pair of scissors. I actually only made one cut across the first 2 rays then tore the fin outwards along the third ray.
  13. C

    New Tank Setup

    Sweet! Hope everything arrives alright.
  14. C

    New Tank Setup

    Sweet! Hope everything arrives alright.
  15. C

    Best substrate?

    I used to use Estes sand. I only read good things on this sand (that was like 5 years ago) and never had any issues when using it. My only advise would be to pre-soak it as for some reason it likes to float when first introduced into the tank.
  16. C


    I would replace the actinic with a 6-7.5k bulb. That combined with the 10k should show off the colours of your fish nicely. I used to run an 18k ho over my tank but found this to be the cause of frequent algae blooms and cloudy water. I cut back to a 10k and all is good now.
  17. C

    Fin trim operation

    LOL thanks everyone. I was very nervous to try this. I took a recommended dosage of 2ml per 5l and predissolved in a mason jar with some warm water. I then carefully coaxed the aro into a large fish bag. I lifted the bag out, careful to leave approx 5l of water in the bag. I then placed the bag...
  18. C

    Fin trim operation

    Today I got up the nerve to finally trim the fin on my aro. The front ray on my aros anal fin was always seperated from the day I bought it. After lots of research and the fact that transmore and similar products are prohibited in Canada I decided to use the clove oil method. Instead of diluting...
  19. C

    BD Surfing on Boxing Day

    Sweet vids Chen. Those rays are stunning!