Search results

  1. P

    lifespan of aro...

    its been almost the one year mark for my hiback this rate that its eating..i don't think it will ever grow into a monster lol...don't know why but my fish loves to go on 2 to 3 weeks fasting periods...water parameters are normal...aro looks healthy and swims geos are...
  2. P

    150g w hiback gold and 5 geos

    my lil juvie hiback gold...150g with dual fx6s...tankmates are 5 geophagus redhead tapajos...dominant pair recently spawned and now there are about 100 free swimming wigglers in the tank also...aro continues to show zero interest in eating them and will swim right into the cluster of babies...
  3. P

    where is everyone...

    finally got back into the aro world and now have a hiback gold with 5 geophagus red head tapajos in my 150g setup...i've owned an rtg....datnoids (ST,IT,CT).peacockbass..flowerhorns and many other tropical fish over the past few decades....but arowanas have always been my number one fish and i'm...
  4. P

    local fish store in edmonton...

    any place worth checking out in Edmonton?? for another 2 weeks and find that theres not that much here to do....nothing but malls
  5. P

    just saying hello....

    recently found this forum and thought i'd drop in.....former Aro owner....had a PG RTG that i had to sell off a few years ago....sold off all my big tanks and only kept my 90 and now i'm down to just 2 STs...and 1 IT....the STs are around 12-14'' and my IT is 10" (give or take..thats my best...