Search results

  1. E

    Endlies and Plecos - 50$ for all - Mtl Pickup

    Two (2) Endlies around 16-17 inch. 50$ or trade with something interesting. I do not ship.
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    Endlies and Parrots - Montreal Area - Pickup

    As title states: (2) Endlicheri 15-16", healthy and eat everything (MP, Massivore, SW) 80$ / each 120$ / both (7) Parrots (some are KKP I think) 5-6", healthy and eat everything 200$ / all Take everything for 300$. I will try to take pictures as soon as I can. Regards,
  3. E

    (2) FX5 - Montreal Area - Pickup

    As title states, I have two FX5 for sale. Still working fine and operating on my tanks right now. All filter media (Eheim Substrat) included. Asking for: 225$ / each 1 sold. Regards,
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    LF: Flagtail (Fei Feng) - GTA

    I am planning to drop down to Toronto this coming weekend. Anybody knows where I can get a decent size FF. Thanks
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    Arowanas Price Drop

    Just like everything else, when something gets trendy and more popular, there will be more providers and the price of that item will be more competitive. It is astounding how much arowanas price has dropped. I remember paying around 1K a few years ago for my first RTG. Now, Grade 1 Reds are...
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    Cichla Occel - Mtl Pickup

    Anybody from Mtl wants some Occels, around 8 inch, healthy and eating a lot of everything. Asking 30$/each or 75$ for the 3. Possible trade for something else slower and eating less. Photo borrowed from Canadian Aquatics for reference:
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    FS or FT: Chilli Red Arowana - 900$ or best offer - MTL area - Pickup Only

    As title states, I am selling my Chilli Red from DFI farm. Cert Tag date is February 2005, around 19 inch (guesstimate) and healthy. No drop eye, no PLJ. I do not ship, for the price I am selling, I do not want the hassle. I had this guy for quite a while, but my "Blood" Red is growing up to be...
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    Marble Motoros, Endlies - Montreal area

    A pair of Marble Motoros, around 13-14'' diameter. Healthy and fat, main diet of market shrimp. I think the male is starting to bite the female. Asking 600$ for the pair. 2 Endlicheri, around 14-15'' long. Main diet of market shrimp. Asking for 150$. Open to trades plus cash. Looking for...
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    GTA fish stores

    I am looking for the list, as posted before on, but it closed down. Anyone still have it?
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    FS or FT: Chilli Red - Montreal area

    As title states, Chilli Red Arowana, around 18-19 inches (guesstimate). Healthy and eating well. Main diet of superworms. For those who know, this one has been with me for a long time so I'm trying to find it a good home. Posted on kijiji asking 1200$, but I am open to reasonable offers...
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    FS: Castexi Ray - Montreal area

    As title states, big ass Female Castexi, around 16-17'' diameter. She is way too huge for my tank. I don't really know how much I want for her, so just make an offer (is that against the rule Mods?) Would consider trades if they are interesting.
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    FS: Flagtail (FF) - 12'' - Montreal Area

    Asking 120$ o.b.o.
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    FS: P. Endlicheri - Montreal area

    My last 3 P. Endlicheri, the ones with the best markings. I got them from Toyin a while back, and they are now at atleast 14-15''. Eating shrimps and massivore. Asking for 100$ each, or take all 3 for 250$. Pictures coming as soon as I can.
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    I am know sure if this thread fits in here... But anybody want to share their experience with "decorating" the bottom of their tank with ceramic tiles. I personally really like the look of it. Thank's for your inputs.
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    FS: Chili Red from DFI - Montreal area - 2000$

    I might be letting go of my Chili Red if the demand is there. Cert. states Premium Selected Chili Red from DFI, around 4.5 years old at around 18-19'' (eyeballed). Healthy and eating well, main diet of superworms. Open to interesting trades. Some old pics can be seen here...
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    You think your Rays are big...

    Just to share if you didn't see it before:
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    What kind of Aro is this...

    So just for fun, pics stolen from another forum, for those who know the answer, just let the others take their guess. What is this kind of Aro...
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    Male Marble Motoro - Montreal area

    The Marble in the picture, eating anything, from shrimps to pellets, asking 200$ Also have a small NGT, asking 80$ Take both for 250$.
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    Guess what is in the bag...

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    FS: D. Pulcher aka ST - Montreal area

    As title mentions, D. Pulcher around 9-10", full necklace, healthy and eating mostly market shrimps. Asking 400$. Open for trade, if you got something that might interest me. Pictures tonight, or at least soon when I'll get some time.