Search results

  1. King-eL

    315g planted monster

    It's been awhile since I posted pics here. Also this is the first full tank shot of this setup. Not the same setup that I used to have.
  2. King-eL

    My ropefishes hanging out naturally

    Haven't been posting pics here for a long time since I sold all my collection during moving to my new place. Now I'm starting over again. Here is a preview of my ropefish. More fish to come. I got about 4 ropefish from 14-15". All WC and already came in at that size from Nigeria.
  3. King-eL

    New Species Of Asian Arowana (Scleropages inscriptus)

    Scribbled Arowana or Myanmar arowana (Scleropages inscriptus) Now we have -Scribbled Arowana (Scleropages inscriptus) -Green asian arowana (Scleropages formosus) -Silver asian arowana (Scleropages macrocephalus) -Gold asian...
  4. King-eL

    Predatoryfishkeepers 2012 Calendar.

    Anyone wants free predatoryfishkeepers 2012 Calendar?
  5. King-eL

    Cichlid Collection.

    Here some random pics of them. Not really good quality but it's aight.... Female Red Terror Cichlid (exCichlasoma festae) Male Red Tiger Cichlid (Parachromis motaguensis) Juvenile Jaguar Cichlid (Parachromis managuensis) Female Red Devil Cichlid (Amphilophus...
  6. King-eL

    FS: Bichirs

    Need to downsize my hardwood floor for my tank. Lol! 3x 14-16" Polypterus endlicheri endlicheri $100 each 2x 14-16" Polypterus bichir lapradei "Nigeria" $75 each 1x 14" Polypterus ornatipinnis $80 2x 11-12" Polypterus dellhezi $40 each 1x 9-10" one eyed Polypterus palmas...
  7. King-eL

    LF: Pino Green Arowana

    Need someone who can get Pino Green Asian Arowana.
  8. King-eL

    King of the MONSTER full tank shot

    Here is my King of the Monster JDM style tank setup update.
  9. King-eL

    King of the MONSTER full tank shot

    Here is my King of the Monster JDM style tank setup update.
  10. King-eL

    FS: High Quality 'RED' Texas cichlids.

    Posting this for Perry aka Ruf R. Please pm him or contact him at 604 970 1664. Able to ship anywhere in Canada. Both came direct from Thailand. The best quality red texas were found. High Grade Red Texas 5-6" $300 Red Texas 10-11" $300
  11. King-eL

    Difference Between Juvenile SR and BJR

    Here are my new aros. Sorry for crappy pics. Taken by iPhone 4. I placed them in a white tank for the banjar red to develop higher shine as it's already on the 5th level SR Banjar Red.
  12. King-eL

    Rare Emperial Clown Loach

    I got 5 from Mike and they ate right away just 10 minutes when I placed them in the new tank. Here are two crappy pics. This guy looks like it's trying to blend in with the sand.
  13. King-eL

    My emperor snakehead

    Here took a vid of my blue emperor snakehead about almost 10 minutes long in HD. Or go to my channel at Blue Emperor Snakehead (Channa Marulioides "Blue")
  14. King-eL

    Bluebase Tong Yan Asian Arowana

    Here is my Tong Yan aro or Rosegold arowana. I was selling this fish but I decided to keep it. Turns out it was just waiting to look nice under my care. With LED lights on Only with natural sunlight.
  15. King-eL

    FS: Golden Cobra Snakehead (Channa Aurantimaculata)

    This one got rejected from the pack and always getting beaten up. His about 6-7 inches selling for $130. Eat massivore, floating sticks, smelts, prawn, squid and meal worm. Best to have as many insect diet to make the fins wider and looks graceful. With less insect diet it will develop short...
  16. King-eL

    FS: 18" bichir lapradei

    Selling 4 of my 18" polypterus bichir lapradei for $80 each. Take them all for $300.
  17. King-eL

    Pair Golden Cobra Snakeheads

    Well did not took long enough for the two auranti to kick out the other 4 auranti. This two are always together and chasing the other auranti. I sold the other two and gave away one and the last one that got kick out is on the other side of the divider. The pair. Now in a 90g tank. Tank is...
  18. King-eL

    African Arowana

    10" African arowana for $300. Eats afro sticks and massivores just need to be soften first. Also eats cut up prawns/shrimps and smelts, Just make sure the smelt are cut to tiny pieces. As for the prawn/shrimp, it can it massivore size cuts and it will just grind it up till it can eat it. May...
  19. King-eL

    CV Maju RTG

    10"+ Redtail Golden Asian Arowana from last Summer order. $700
  20. King-eL

    CV Maju RTG

    10"+ Redtail Golden Asian Arowana from last Summer order. This aro is for sale BTW.