Search results

  1. danfong88

    Ph Meter Sm100 by Millaukee

    Up for Sale $ 80 for Ph Meter Model # SM 100
  2. danfong88

    220G made by All Glass with pine stand and canpoy

    Up for SALE. complete set up for SALE $ 1,900 comes with Mag 12 , model 4 sump, canpoy and stand. Complete Set Up and will not part out. See the pictures. [/ATTACH]
  3. danfong88

    Tiger Datnoid 10" NNT

    10" NNT for SALE - $100 Eats Pellets, Shrimps.
  4. danfong88

    8" NNT Datnoid Tiger For SALE

    Hi, I have 8" NNT Datnoid Tiger, eats pellets,shrimps and basically anything you throw into the tank. Very Health and Does not hide. I am looking for the Get $ 50 for it. Thanks for Looking.
  5. danfong88

    FOR SALE Datnoid NGT, AGT, and IT

    Hi For SALE, Datnoid 4" 8" and 3" NGT, IT and NNT or AT? not sure? Asking $ 100/each OBO 416-768-0688 Dan
  6. danfong88

    WTB:Azoo Cermanic rings

    Hi, I am looking for purchase Azoo Cermanic rings? does anyone know where to purchase this product local in the GTA. Thanks in Advance!! Cheer!!;)
  7. danfong88

    220 gallon for SALE

    Here is the thread... 220 All Glass Set Up with oak stand and cover. Model 4 sump with all the pumping. Asking $2,000 firm... serious buyers only
  8. danfong88

    Green Terror Fish 6"

    Hi, I have 3 Green Terror for SALE, need the room for other fish. Asking $ 30/each. [/ATTACH]
  9. danfong88

    Green Terror Fish

    I have 3 Green Terror For Sale $ 30/each..... [/ATTACH]
  10. danfong88

    datnoid NNT for SALE

    Hi, I have 4 NTT for sale , they range from 4" to 6" is size. Very healthy eats shrimps and pellets. The metallic shine is great and love to swim... need to take a look . I will post the pictures soon. Give me a call at 416. 768.0688 Dan :D
  11. danfong88

    Super Red Asian Arowana For Sale

    Hi, I have buddy need to sell this Super Red Asian Arowana , it has cert and papers.... is approx 14' to 15' long. The colour is amazing and is on display at PJ's Pet in Scarborough Town Centre ( basement Level) . He is asking $1200 firm or call him - John at 416.801.1800. He is great guy...
  12. danfong88

    RTG for SALE $528

    For SALE $528 15" RTG.... had it for 2 years now. Need to sell it [/ATTACH] Picture is not the best.... but it is a current picture.... I really need to to sell it.
  13. danfong88

    High Back RTG for SALE

    Hi, High Back RTG for SALE. Let me know you guys are interested.....the price is $588. I have cert and documents. Here is the picture. [/ATTACH][/ATTACH]
  14. danfong88

    T8 Power Glo lights bulbs?

    Hi, I am looking for T8 Power Glo lights bulbs 4 ft length. Let me know if you guys have any available or lying around unused. Thanks...
  15. danfong88

    heaters for SALE

    Fluval and Eheim Heater 300Watts and 250Watts. Come a Pick Up Used Heaters 7months old. Fluval Heater is $15/each Eheim Heater is $ 17/each. Dan 416.768.0688
  16. danfong88

    Nine Bar 7" for SALE

  17. danfong88

    Nine Bar 7" for SALE

    ASKING PRICE IS $75 . GIVE ME A CALL AT 416-768-0688
  18. danfong88

    RTG 14" for Sale

    Hi, RTG 14" for sale $ 500 firm. Very healthy eats, meal worms, shrimps, sometimes pellets. Serious inquiry only.
  19. danfong88

    180 Gallon Custom Tank for SALE

    I have a custom 180 gallon for sale 6' by 24" by 26" . with euro brace on two size. all the pumping works. There is 2 overflow on top of the tank. There is custom tank and full glass top. 6' T-8 light with this tank. It house by RTG now, and I looking to upgrading to a bigger...
  20. danfong88

    75 Gallon fish tank for sale

    I have a tempered glass fish tank for sale $ 300 with oak stand and cover.