Search results

  1. Juice604

    Coming Soon!!!

    those eels look crazy
  2. Juice604

    Predatoryfishkeepers 2012 Calendar.

    never got mine ?
  3. Juice604

    Predatoryfishkeepers 2012 Calendar.

    pmd info
  4. Juice604

    LF: XL Indo Datnoid

    ya i got one ~!!@!
  5. Juice604

    Tetraodon MBU

    sexy fish and a nut bar fish , those are the best !@! sorry for your loss mike $$ , lol
  6. Juice604

    going JDM aro com for a month

    that looks cool , like the idea with the plant , i was thinking of doing that as well but my turtle im sure would snack on the roots and make a mess
  7. Juice604


    thats awesome !!! , i was lucky i bought my indo from a friend already eating massivore .. i could stand at the tank all day and feed them to it , just loves the stuff ..
  8. Juice604

    FS: Vampire tetra 6-7 inches red tail hydrolycus tatuaia

    cool thanks , what are they eating >?
  9. Juice604

    My 450

    very nice mix , everyone plays nice i take it ?
  10. Juice604

    Tail looks bad ass

    thats badass !!
  11. Juice604

    Pearl Stingray and Golden Head Crossback Gold

    i thought so too , nice fish anyways !@!
  12. Juice604

    Building My 1600 and Basement Setup

    simply amazing , what do u charge for admission >>lol
  13. Juice604

    my fly river turtle !@!

    some new pics taken feb 14 2012 , just snacking on tomatoes
  14. Juice604

    FX5 media options?

    just curious why you shouldnt have any other media besides ceramic and sponges , what are your reasons ? i agree with not using carbon or floss in a fx5 , it would clog way to fast and slow down the flow bigtime ..
  15. Juice604

    FS: XXL Black Bar (Wide Bar) Silver Dollars- RARE!

    damit !! wish you lived here , very hard to find for sure , lucky to whoever picks them up !!
  16. Juice604

    Geophagus winemilleri spawned

    super cool !@!@
  17. Juice604

    Other animals in our lives.

    thanks...:D ya his name is cheeba , very loyal indeed ,he is great with kids and most dogs , not a big fan of the yappy ones .. but plays fine with most . :cool:
  18. Juice604

    Other animals in our lives.

    here is a pic of my best buddy my 13 yr old chow/shibi inu