1000W Titanium Heater w/controller

I use them but I use Catalina and pro form and the controllers are terrible. As far as large tanks heating they are untouchable. I used to heat 600 gallons of water with one 1000 watt and now I use 6 250 watt stealth and they don't keep up with my drip.
I've been running Pro-Heat 2 controler and 1000w titanium heater on my tank for a year now and it seems to be doing a good job. For most of my small tanks i run titanium heaters for 3-4 years now and none broke down yet.
good to hear!....well...I'll be running 1 1000w and 1 500w on my 400 so I'll see how that works out...
Just a follow up to this. I ordered from Champion lighting. Blue line heater and controller. Was $150 or so shipped and is here today.
yeah...just got mine yesterday..won't set up until new tank arrive in Decem...mine took 1 1/2 weeks...so good delivery....I ended up with 1000k and 500K blueline with a ranco controller
well...the way my pumps are heating my tank at 89 degrees without any heaters..I could have sold you my bluelines! :-)

Another 2 more weeks before I put anything in the tank....that would be almost 3-4 weeks...should be good to go....going to do a 50% water change in the new tank this week so I can change the air line from the blue to black tubes that I found in BA's as well as set up my powerheads...once I fill back up...that's it for the next week before they go in!....

Theo?...what's your status?...water in yet?
Oh Chen, long story. You remember how I did the structural reinforcement of the beam in my basement so I could have the tank there? Well, now thanks to some dry rot in our front portch we have to do a fairly major renovation - of the whole bloody porch. Which is about 3-4 feet from where the tank is.
I like to think I am good at juggling projects, but this is going to be tricky.
Contractors come this week, hope to do the rebuild asap....:rolleyes:
yikes....sorry to hear that!...it's better to get this sorted out before you get in....you might just catch up....like I said...until i resolve the heating issue of my pump(s) heating the water to 89 I'm not going to put anything in...although many have told me 89 isn't great but it's not terrible....we will see...