2008 quick update


Super Moderator
Here are some recent pictures of my babies. The pictures of the Chilli Red were taken without flash, hence why they are so blurry. I felt that the pictures with flash were not representative of the fish colors. Sorry that I am such a newbie at taking fish pictures...


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The next ones are from the Blood Red tank...


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And finally, for those who wondered how my tanks are placed in my "fish room"... Happy new year guys (and girls) ! :)


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Love the first fish, especially the thin frames and dark core.
Thats some heavy duty filtration you got going!
Well I thought that if I put a lot of filtration, if some days I get lazy about water change, it won't be too much harmful for the fishes. But I still do regular water changes, the heavy filtration is just in case...

I really love that Chilli too. I am starting to believe that he really brings me luck. Now only if he could cross belly...
very nice setups you got there
and your tanks are spotless....wheres all the algae???

Thanks, I believe there is not much algae because I open the lights only during feeding time, when I come back from work. So that is only about 1-1.5 hour of lighting a day. I also believe the UV sterilizer helps a lot.
Nice fish! Do you find your spending much time tending to your filters?

Well not yet, I did not do much of filter media cleaning. My plan was to do cleaning for each filter maybe once or twice a year. I also do not use the white wool filter pad, as I find that it gets dirty pretty quick, and you can not wash and reuse it.

The heavy filtration is not that commom, but not that uncommon also. I find that having an aro tank is like having a tuned up car, you just like adding stuff (in my case, filtration) to it.
E-ken that is true, Better safe than sorry when it come to a lot of filtration. Cheap insurance for the investment you are protecting.

Thanks. I think it's because you guys used to keep it with light brown sand. Now the dark bottom background makes it darker.

You can drop by anytime you want man, well I mean let me know first though...