New Member
i'm looking for a 72" light for my new tank. and i found a metal halide with 3x 175w light. will it burn my aro?
ditto ^ why don't you just get two 36" and put them side by side like this?
thanks, for now i'd put 2x 48" shiplights from home deopt (the cheapest 1's), it works, but it looks really ghetto. i'm going to try your idea if i can find ones at a good price.
2 x 36" fixtures will cost more than a single 72" one, unless you can find a deal on them.
2 to 4 T5's are probably more than enough for an aro tank unless your growing plants on the bottom. Depth of the tank will also play a factor in how much penetration is needed. Going with T5HO's give you a world of colour options. They're very efficient, have wide spread, and economical to replace compared to MH.
LED's are nice and very efficient, but the technology is still not mature enough and still too expensive for the masses. Manufacturer's state that the LED's should last about 10 years, but has not been proven yet. I've been toying with a PFO Solaris I4 fixture (100 LED's @ 1.5W each) for the last year in my reef tank. So far, I've gone through 2 power supplies, multiple LED replacements, and 2 refurbished drivers. The replacement parts alone have accounted close to $700, plus the initial cost of the fixture at $3000! The only good thing I have to say is that it doesn't add any heat to the tank, and my corals still seem to be growing well. However, this could have been achieved with a very high end T5 unit for less than half the price. The only thing it would lack is the shimmer that MH and LED's give off.
I'd say that LED's need 2-3 more years of development before they become a worth while investment.
from what i read, i think T5's will be the ideal setup for my tank. Mh is too hot. and LEDs is still too expensive. but i have some questions, many of the fixtures i see have half its bulbs at 6700k and the other half is actinic. can i switch out the actinic bulbs for more 6700k bulbs? would my red look funny with blue light?