Advice on treating argulus!


New Member
I have a 4-5" disc retic that I brought home a few weeks ago. I found one lice on him which I removed by hand. But then they EXPLODED. He is infested! And seems to be wasting away even though I'm feeding him twice or more a day, and doing regular water changes. I've ordered some Dimilin online after having trouble finding it in Canada, but I'm not sure if there's anything I can do I the mean time. Removing them by hand doesn't seem on option anymore as there is a lot of them.
Never expert ed lice before with rays. Have u tried prazi pro? It's quite available at most aqurium stores
Ended up using rubberized tweezers to remove the bulk of the adult lice by hand, this was scary, but kinda fun. I put him in a small container with a bit of water, and used a folded rubber glove to cover the pointy bit. Then I got a product called Dimilin, it's meant for coy ponds, but i read up on it and it is ray safe. He's looking happy and healthy now. Its been past the life cycle of reproduction of the lice, looks cured. No adverse affects.
Thanks Chen. Is this for internal and external parasites? How often do you use this stuff? just for new additions in quarantine, or regularly on your tank?
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