african cichlids with arowana


New Member
Has anybody tried this before? The main concern will be if they will be fast enough to avoid being eaten. They have different water para. requirement but I don't think that's a major isssue. Africans should adjust or for my case my aros have already adjusted to alkaline tap water. What do you guys think of this idea? Aros are adult sizes.
if your aro is sub adult to adult size I'd be concern of the Dinner Factor!...unless your cichlids are all over 5-6"
There are many types of african cichlids. Did you have a particular species in mind?

For smaller types, I'd worry about the aro damaging itself trying to catch them.
if your aro is sub adult to adult size I'd be concern of the Dinner Factor!...unless your cichlids are all over 5-6"

5" may still be dinner for my RTG's :D. Their only chance is if they're fast enough to out swim and out turn aros. It would really be neat to have these colorful fishes in my aro tank.... thing is will they last? :confused: No experience with cichlids yet.
There are many types of african cichlids. Did you have a particular species in mind?

For smaller types, I'd worry about the aro damaging itself trying to catch them.

I think red dragon peacock or strawberry peacock or something and maybe kenyi. Just saw some local sale for $2 each about 1.5" -2". Just though of getting 10 grow them a bit and dump them in my aro tank. So you figure they're fast enough to survive? Maybe if the aros realises that they're not gonna catch the africans they'll just stop trying and leave them alone? what do you think would be a better faster african cichlid?
Got myself about 25 mix african ciclids .... peacocks, electric yellows and others, 1.5" - 3.5". Will grow them a little bit more in my 55g then I'll try them in my arowana comm tank and see how they go.