aro food


hey guy,
do any one know how to train aro eat pelet, my refuse everything accept live worn only, his 11" rtg.
thank advanced


Super Moderator
you can try to stuff some hikari aro sticks into your worms to see if he takes that...try that a few feeding and see. If not take him off live work and feed pellets, if he doesn't take within a minute or two take it out and try in a few hours or the next day. They will eventually's a matter on how long you can stand not feeding them. They can sometime starve for weeks and months....but is still ok....


New Member
Agree with Chen. I got my RTG in Aug 2009 and he ate nothing by super worms. no shrimp, no aro sticks, nothing at all,
when he adjusted to the tank, I introduced shrimps, maybe even 5+ days and he would not eat, but eventually he started to eat a little shrimps,
which now I stuff with aro sticks or hikari massivore. some times he would chew and get the pellets and eat the shrimp, picky bugger. It has taken me also most a year to get to this stage.
since your fish is still fairly young, I would start now with this tarining. When older much more difficult.


Keep in mind there is a balance between starving and growth especially for young aros. No names mentioned but I have seen a LFS in Calgary train newly arrived aros to eat pellets. After a few months they were all eating pellets only, but guess what, they did not look very healthy (thin and little shine), most likely will become stunted fish.


because of training, too many days with little to no food (starving). As hobbyist are aware, any interuption in a young fishes feeding schedule can easily result in stunted growth.