260 gallon with sand bottom. Run 2 FX5s with external heater and 3 airstones.
2 Full size mature breeding motoro rays
9 clown loaches from 5" - 7" in size
1 pleco 10"
1 indo datnoid 12"
1 xback arowana 24"
Tank at 82F and water changes once a week, 30% tap water treated with Prime
About 6 weeks ago, my arowana stopped eating. He was fed a combination of Hikari aro pellets and superworms. Over the course of a week, he just gradually stopped eating. I thought nothing of it, as I know sometimes they go into their moods of not eating. Visually, everything was okay. Finnage was perfect, no signs of injury or sickness.
At the time, I attributed to the tank being stressed, as the male stingray was constantly chasing the female around.
2 weeks into the no-eating phase, my arowana started developing cloudy eye in one eye. He was also starting to get some split fins. I did a 30% water change and added 10tbsp of aquarium salt. I upped the temperature to 88 - 90F. Over a period of 5 days, his cloudy eye cleared up. Over the next 2 weeks, his finnage started growing back together as well. I thought all was well. Still not eating though.
Today, I woke up to see that everything in the tank seemed to be gasping for air. The arowana was swimming at the surface and almost trying to gulp surface air. Turned out over night, my lid somehow got pushed back and compressed the air lines. I fixed all the air lines and immediately did a water change. Aside from the gasping, everything seemed normal with him visually. So I did a water change and lowered the temperature back to 82F figuring more oxygen in the water if the water is cooler. Tonight, the cloudy eye has returned in both eyes and is much worse than before. I immediately added salt to the tank and raised the temperature back up.
I don't think it's dropsy as there are no lifted scales. Is there anything else I can do? I have both pimafix and melafix at home but not sure if I should treat with this yet. I don't have a separate tank to put the other fish in while I treat.
During these past 6 weeks, the only thing that could be considered abnormal behaviour, aside from everything listed above is that occasionally, the aro will swim against the side of the tank at an almost 90 degree angle. As if to scratch the top of his back.
Pretty lost right now. To top it all off, I have a pregnant female ray, an angry male ray and a wife that's due any minute now!
Any tips would be appreciated, thanks!
260 gallon with sand bottom. Run 2 FX5s with external heater and 3 airstones.
2 Full size mature breeding motoro rays
9 clown loaches from 5" - 7" in size
1 pleco 10"
1 indo datnoid 12"
1 xback arowana 24"
Tank at 82F and water changes once a week, 30% tap water treated with Prime
About 6 weeks ago, my arowana stopped eating. He was fed a combination of Hikari aro pellets and superworms. Over the course of a week, he just gradually stopped eating. I thought nothing of it, as I know sometimes they go into their moods of not eating. Visually, everything was okay. Finnage was perfect, no signs of injury or sickness.
At the time, I attributed to the tank being stressed, as the male stingray was constantly chasing the female around.
2 weeks into the no-eating phase, my arowana started developing cloudy eye in one eye. He was also starting to get some split fins. I did a 30% water change and added 10tbsp of aquarium salt. I upped the temperature to 88 - 90F. Over a period of 5 days, his cloudy eye cleared up. Over the next 2 weeks, his finnage started growing back together as well. I thought all was well. Still not eating though.
Today, I woke up to see that everything in the tank seemed to be gasping for air. The arowana was swimming at the surface and almost trying to gulp surface air. Turned out over night, my lid somehow got pushed back and compressed the air lines. I fixed all the air lines and immediately did a water change. Aside from the gasping, everything seemed normal with him visually. So I did a water change and lowered the temperature back to 82F figuring more oxygen in the water if the water is cooler. Tonight, the cloudy eye has returned in both eyes and is much worse than before. I immediately added salt to the tank and raised the temperature back up.
I don't think it's dropsy as there are no lifted scales. Is there anything else I can do? I have both pimafix and melafix at home but not sure if I should treat with this yet. I don't have a separate tank to put the other fish in while I treat.
During these past 6 weeks, the only thing that could be considered abnormal behaviour, aside from everything listed above is that occasionally, the aro will swim against the side of the tank at an almost 90 degree angle. As if to scratch the top of his back.
Pretty lost right now. To top it all off, I have a pregnant female ray, an angry male ray and a wife that's due any minute now!
Any tips would be appreciated, thanks!