August 2012 Discus List

Hey all! Here is the August discus list. Photos can be found on my website I have also included a video at the bottom of this post.

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Forms of payment accepted are Visa, Mastercard, and Paypal.

Shipping across Canada is available by Westjet cargo with live delivery guaranteed. Additionally there are several cost effective shipping options for customers within BC.

Local pick-up/delivery can be arrange by appointment.

August Discus List

2"+ Jack Wattley Turquoise Discus $35.00

2.5" Blue Diamond Discus $35.00

2.5" Virgin Red Discus $35.00

2.5"-3" Cobalt Discus $35.00

2.5"-3" Golden Lollipop Discus $75.00

2.5"-3" Pearl Pigeon $45.00

2.5"-3" Red Turquoise $35.00

3" Blue Scorpion Discus $55.00

3" High Body Shooting Leopard Snakeskin $75

3" High Body Turquoise Discus $50.00

3" Neon Sapphire Discus $50.00

3" Red White Discus $45.00

3"-3.5" Golden Diamond Discus $50.00

3"-3.5" High Body Tiger Snakeskin Discus $55.00

3"-3.5" Leopard Discus $60.00

3"-3.5" Mercury Discus $35.00

3"-3.5" Yellow Crystal Discus $50.00

3.5"-4" Albino Carnation (regular grade) $60.00

3.5"-4" Giant Gene Cobalt Discus (Dark Blue Gene) $50.00

4" Snake Skin Pigeon Discus $75.00

4" Standing Egg Pigeon Discus $70.00

4" White Pigeon Discus $95.00

4" Wild Caught Heckel Discus $65.00

4"-4.5" Classic Leopard Discus $95.00

4"-4.5" Standing Egg Blue Diamond Discus $125.00

4"-4.5" Tiger Turquoise Discus $80.00

5" Wild Caught Blue Discus $95.00

5"-5.5" Albino Turquoise Discus $180.00

5"-5.5" Blue Diamond Discus (regular grade) $90.00

5"-5.5" Classic Alenquers $145.00

5"-5.5" Royal Alenquers $145.00

5"-5.5" Semi Royal Red Turquoise Discus $125.00

5"-5.5" Turquoise Discus $115.00

5"-5.5" White Pigeon Discus $125.00

5.5" Albino Red Spotted Green Discus $190.00

5.5" Carnation Pigeon Discus $155.00

5.5" Ghost Discus $130.00

5.5"-6" Leopard Discus (regular grade pattern) $120.00

6" Red Spotted Green Discus $160.00

The below video shows almost all of the above listed discus: