aussie lungfish group buy

lo sai

New Member
anyone on here interested in getting an Australian Lung fish?
I want to set up a group buy soon.
Please let me know if you are interested

I would be in for one or two I think. Justin, you want just one? Anyone else in for one?

I am guessing you are thinking about getting one of Earl's?
I was thinking today. I would really like multiple aussie lungs the same size. However I can't afford more than one right now, but if this has to wait till next year (like March or April) I
could probably pull buying 2 or 3 depending on the price.

Keep me updated on this group buy.
The Aussie dollar has appreciated, now on par with Canadian dollar. It used to be 10-20% below. That affects price of AUL. I would guess if we did an order for 5 we could get the unit price down to $800 per fish for you, including all shipping and taxes. If we did an order for 10 and you took 3, the unit price would probably drop by $50 per fish.
After thinking about it over the weekend I don't want to put my money toward this right now. I am waiting on some confirmation to see whether I can import something extra special and extra rare in November. If the deal falls through I will probably end up going for one of these guys. So I guess I'm saying don't wait on me because I'm definitely sitting on the fence with this one. If you guys decide to this later I am in. Especially if it's sometime closer to spring.

Sorry if this has inconvenienced you guys.