B.C. visit / photo clinic


Super Moderator
I'm attending a wedding in Victoria late in July. I will be visiting my sisters who live in north and west Vancouver. If someone is interested in an informal "photography clinic" like the one I did in Red Deer last October, I'd be more than willing to hook up for an afternoon or evening.

Only things required would be someone willing to host a bunch of aro geeks and at least one tank and fish to take pics of and for you guys to bring your own camera gear. :p

I'm also very interested in shooting different arowanas and other aquatic critters that members have in their collections. I get to practice my art and add to my photo collection and I will provide the owner with a full set of copies of the results. This could be done on a more private basis if someone doesn't want a crowd in their house, especially a crowd of semi-strangers.

Anywho, something to think about. If someone wants to chat about it, pm me. Post any questions in this thread.

I'll post my actual travel dates once I firm them up.


Forum member James Sanikone immediately springs to mind as someone whose aros are worth your photographic skills. :)

I will be leaving for Europe at the very end of July. I hope to still be here when you are and would be happy to chaufeur/coordinate anyway I can.
hi gerry

i have always enjoyed your skills with the camera , im not sure if my aro/dat/frt setup meets your criteria ? but im very close to nv/wv . and if timing is right would love for you to shoot my 210 ? .. thanks

Hey Justin. Clean glass and water is all that is required, and that can be subjective. ;) You do, after all, have an frt. :D