There was to be an information session on CFIA – SRD Aquatic Animal Import Requirements, earlier in the year, and i believe last year as well.
Reps from the CFIA, Both Paul MacIsaac and Andrea Osborn were there. SRD – FM reps Jim Wagner and Bev Larson were there as well. These people were for the meeting in alberta. Im not sure who did the east coast. I believe a meeting was held in every province though.
The agenda was to be as follows:
1. Import controls for aquatic animals under the Health of Animals Regulation
a. The amended regulations require anyone who wishes to import a susceptible aquatic animal to obtain a permit. The scope of aquatic animals requiring a permit is limited to those susceptible to the listed diseases that can be introduced or spread in Canada.
b. Schedule III, the Susceptible Species List, includes finfish, crustacean and mollusc species. This list of aquatic animal species that are susceptible to the reportable and immediately notifiable diseases will be reviewed regularly to determine whether the science behind the listing has changed.
c. Proposed process - Automated Import Reference System (AIRS) d. Importer expectations – information requirements, documentation, etc. e. Discussion of the proposed Import Permit conditions.
And then provincial specific discussions of:
1. New provincial requirements under the Fisheries Act
a. New species
b. Condition making authority
c. Fish Health Management Plans
d. Web-based Application form
e. Discussion of the proposed Import Licence conditions.
I was invited to the information session, and was asked to RVSP. The invite came from Robert Wright.
His information was coming from Louis McCann B.Sc. Executive Director of PIJAC Canada.
Louis's information was coming from Dr. Joanne Constantine. National Manager. Import/Export Section. Aquatic Animal Health Division. CFIA
Unfortunately, at the time, i over looked these emails and did not attend.
Anyways, hope that helps.