Contemplating the adoption of a Giant Gourami.


New Member
Contemplating the adoption of a Giant Gourami. It's fully grown and being given away for free. Its really nice, clean white color and flawless features.

The problem is that Its HUGE. I have a 220G tank that houses an 8inch RTG, 8inch IT and a 4inch IT. My filtration is an FX5,EHEIM 2260 and a smaller EHEIM PRO2 that runs my UV.

I'm pretty confident that my filtration will be enough for the bio load along with my water changes.

What are your thoughts?
I just googled it and "YES"
It wont eat his tank mates... but they put out a massive amount of waste. More then the rest of you fish in that tank combined.

If by full grown, i assume you mean 24"+

All your canister combined hold around 25 liters of media. Thats not a lot of media for XL fish.....

Luckily if water conditions are not to the gouramis liking, he'll simply gulp air from the surface and breath that way, like all labyrinth fish can do..... unfortunately for his tank mates, he'll be the only one in the tank that is able to do that.

You'll get by with what you have now, with lots of water changes... but not long term. Personally, i'd skip it, unless you have plans on upgrading in the near future.