Crazy XB arowana

Most of you guys know that i have a very beautiful xb that has no defects other then a broken pectoral fin that has 90% grown back now.. He is perfect in every way including 6th crossing at only 14 inches.. However, he has one major flaw, he is aggressive to my peacock bass, so aggressive that he takes chunks out of my prized Orinoco and Azul. What do you guys suggest i do??
ive tried dithers which he does not bother, dividing ( caused him to get spooked and break his pectoral), i have even tried other arowana and peacock bass with not success!
I added lots of powerheads which didnt help.
Is it time to trade him or something? im at a loss here
My RTG killed two groups of bass I was raising up with him. Occels and tems, and it happened when each group hit the 15" mark. Aros simply do not tolerate certain other preds, and bass are definitely one of them. Same with odoe pikes. I found my 10" odoe in the mouth of my RTG who was happily shaking him like a puppy with a plush toy. My RTG has also shown he does not like pikes either.
i think he will only keep trying to kill. my current rtg is the same. he killed many fish back in the day (frontosa, big indo tigers and even took out several widebar dats' eyes). if you want a peaceful comm tank and want to keep your pbass, id get rid of the aro because he probably wont settle down until hes much much older! my rtg is now 7 years old and he still bullies my widebar.
I had a rtg that was evil as all hell too lol. He had the 300 gallon tank he was in all to himself cause he would just kill anything put in with him. Tried putting in a school of 7 monster tinfoil barbs that when i woke up the next day had no scales to speak of and he even killed a close to 2 foot pleco lol. I'm not sure what you can do if he's that way but good luck and hope you can figure something out
I had the opposite experience, I lost a 10" RTG to 4 similiar sized pbass. At least, I think it was them as I found him dead in the morning but without any marks. Perhaps he just panicked when the pbass were mouth wrestling.

I won't be adding any aro's with my pbass either. Luckily, my xb is getting along with my fresh water angels, gouramiand severum and my dynamic red gets along with my silver dollars, IT and tinfoil barbs. My green is living with a 10" oscar and a chinese soft shell turtle.
I recently had to sell my 18 inch Australian lungfish due to my 17 inch SR attacking it repeatedly, taking off scales. If I had left them together I am sure I would have lost the AUL eventually. The aro just snapped one day and decided it did not like the AUL. Till then they had been together peacefully for several months. I had hoped that since the AUL was a bottom fish that the aro would accept it, but no such luck.
get some rays! even tho my rtg is crazy, he never messes with any of the rays i put in there with him. rtg is 23 inches. i even put a small 8 inch leo with him before and he left the ray alone!