Cycling used tank with used filters


New Member
I have a used 125 gallon and 2 used canister filters. Everything else on the tank is new. Wondering the best way to cycle the tank. I was thinking about filling it, get everything running and putting a few small cheap fish in it? Wondering how long it will take
Ar the used filters currently in use? Or are they not being used, and they are just "used" filters...

Do you have any other tanks running right now?
When I just cycled my 210 gal, it seemed to be taking its sweet time, so I heard good and bad reviews on tetra safe start and decided to try it, over night I watched the Nitrite part of my cycle completely finish. And since then my parameters have been perfect. Id give it a shot.
Perfect. Better answer then I was looking for. And no the filters not being used now, it's dry. And I don't have another tank going. But I think I'll try out the tetra safe start. Thanks