Discus and Aro?


What is the view on putting discus and arowana together? I have seen people do it and have heard different views. Discus are a pretty sensitive fish and I am not sure if it is great to put them with an aro. I am thinking of trying to do it, maybe with some wild discus.
I have tried it and it didnt go over well. Aro's are aggressive eaters and discus arnt. So when the aro went crazy eating all the discus would hide and not be interested in their food.
yeah, I have to agree. Some people have told me wild one's might work, but when you think about it a discus in the wild would never be that close to a fish like an aro
Well, it depends on your aro. You can try to see it they can get along.

I have 2 years old BBXB aro. I put 6 discus and they can get along with my aro no problem at all.

First I try to put cheap angels first. After 2 weeks, I don't see any attack on my aro to angel, then I add discus.

Check out the video:

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I've seen it work. All depends on the personality of the aro. My SR is not an aggressive eater at all, I know he'd do fine with anything of a decent size.
They wouldn't have to be wilds, just large enough to hold their own. 4"+ would be good. At feeding time thaw out some frozen bloodworms and pour them in the tank so they go everywhere. This discus will pick away at them.