
New Member
I have been talking with others on other sites about power heads and Buublers. My question is can a power head / current be harmful or are power heads needed. i have heard that my aros fins are the way they are because of current and bubblers ?
My aro enjoys swimming on the current, some days it's on high sometimes I put it on low. Well I think he likes it he keeps going back to it.
I had some conversations with others on another site and they claimed that my bubbler or too much current in my tank is the cause of my Aro`s fins being tethered. I see them getting better now in the 200 Gallon but whatever My Black is very Happy and always actively swimming around his tank :)
I have two fx5 when i first got my aro he loves swimming near the output nozzles. Even now he swims near nozzle whenever i do wc.
current is always good for fish. if you ever go swimming/fishing in a river/lake. take note the nature they don't sit in dead calm water. arowana are very strong fish too...also a power head can be used to increase oxygen by tipping it upwards, way better than use air pumps. the bubbles from air pumps is not the "oxygen" in the water, the oxygen is created when those bubbles disturb the surface the more surface distrubance, the better oxygen.