Eheim Canister Filter

Eken how much did you get the eheim proII for. cause you can deal with Jarry at Aqua Tropical on the fx. 2 for the price of 1.
What the hell, how come Jerry makes good deals to everybody except for me... He must be racist.

I'll pm you the price I got for my ProII, to be polite in case there is Store Owners here.
Yeah right. Next time I am going there by Bus and Subway, maybe Jerry is gonna give me a decent deal.
i trust ehiem 100%

i have been running 2 x pro3 2080s for just over 2yrs now with no problems at all im not sure if i like the idear of 2 x intake pipes but it makes the intake pipe much smaller than the FX5s

i have just added 2 x pro3e 2078 which are also a very very good filter they are smaller than the 2080 but they have a faster flow rate

2080 = 1700 lph
2078 = 1850 lph

2080 = 13 liters of media
2078 = 8 liters of media

the 2078 and 2076 have lots of electronic stuff like the 12h cycle and wave maker and sevice indicator i dont use any of that crap i just run them flat out :D

with the pro3 2080 having 2 intakes in running 4 x filters but have 6 x intake pipes which i think is to many

i would buy a eheim over a fluval any day as the eheim have a very good track record i have a 2252 internal that has been running non stop for 12yrs not sure if you would get that life span out of a fluval

a filter is the most important bit of kit you will buy for you tank fluval are great value for money im just not sure if i would put my trust in one i maybe wrong but i have no reason to buy anything else but eheim
rulaifu. you just keep on adding and adding more and more filters. I think your hobby is filters now and not fish...
t1 you and rulaifu think so much alike. he told me the same thing. now i'm thinking of putting more filters in my tank now too. but i dont want to crowd my tank with so much intake hose.
what kind of media can i use with a 2200gph pump?
Since nobody answered yet, I'll do. I usually put the same things, in an Eheim or any other brand.

For the bio part I use Eheim Substrat Pro. I used to put Fluval ceramic rings, but my "mentor" told me that Eheim was better. And it is actually better (I believe), since I used Eheim Substrat Pro, my water is much clearer.

For the mechanical part, I use Eheim Efhimech, but also Fluval prefilter rings. I feel that the mechanical part is bit less important, and Fluval prefilter rings (which is more cheaper) do an acceptable job.

I usually use only the "big black sponge" for the mechanical part, and not the "white wool". I feel that the white wool gets dirty very quick and needs to be changed often, since you can not only wash it.

I would also invest in an UV Sterilizer, great stuff to keep the aquarium clean and without algae.

Where can I purchase the big black sponge? for the mechanical part? Yes, I find the white frost get dirty fast.
I don't know if anyone answered with something similar, but I use pot scrubbers (best bio balls available)... because of the available surface, amazing price and reliability. I have FX5s that have pot scrubbers in all trays to maximize the biological filtration.
Does anyone use Rena filters? I am using 2 xp3's and a xp4 on my 320g and have had no problems at all. I didn't like the Fluval 404 so I stayed away from the FX5. Has there been a lot of improvement of the FX5 over the 404 (besides size, of course)? I may be setting up another 270g with rays (6'x3'x2') and need to consider what type of filters to use. Eheim seems to be considered the best but is more expensive.
I have 2 eheim Pro II for 180 gallon tank, I have the blue and white floss plus a charcoal pad.

Tank occupied by 6 oscars and 1 pleco. I am planning to get rid of a couple oscar and add 1 RTG or Super Red.

Do you think the charcoal will be an issue for the aro?
I just purchased an Ultima II 2000 pond filter for two of my tanks (the 320 and the 270). It is rated for 2000g so it should have no problem with my two tanks. It will be filtering a common sump (60g) between the two tanks. The sump is full of pot scrubbers for bio and I have an XP3 and 4 hydrosponges on the 320g. I believe in lots of filtration as well :) I use amorid in my canister filter and have had no problems using it, as long as you rinse it before hand. The water is nice and clear.