feeding my aro?


New Member
So most people tell me to feed a variety of foods but what exactly do you feed yours? I was feeding my silver aro hikari floating pellets only but now I've moved to feeding him sole fish/prawn/pellets. I'm thinking fish is probably the best because is so low in fats and i really don't want my aro to get drop eye. And yea yea i know there is no real for sure answer on why aro's get it but i know it won't be from my water because its near perfect with my drip system.

Sooo anywho if people could post what they feed there aro and if they have drop eye or not would be great!
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My experience, feeding more natural foods is best, like insects and earth worms. I feed mine meal worms, and earth worms when I can find them. In aro farms they have large side farms to grow out bugs. My aro is now about 22", no drop eye, good body size. I also don't feed often, every other day. I think feeding everyday a heavy diet of shrimp and pellets just makes them looks fat. In the wild, they don't get that much protein/food and swim allot more.

Does it stop drop eye...who knows...but I use to feed allot of shrimp with previous aros and they all had drop eye.
My aro is really picky, doesnt eat fish at all, doesnt like pellets and only eats fresh mp. Can you buy meal worm earth worm from pet store? I am afraid if i convert him to meal worm or earth worm he will not eat prawn anymore..,, but then again i do notice a little bit of drop eye on him... If majority thinks worm is the best then maybe i should give that a try.
i buy at a local pet store for $16 for a box that contains about a 1000( i am never sure there is actually a 1000, but its allot). I feed every other day. I find it even cheaper than shrimp and easier to deal with. Shrimp you got to defrost, peel..etc. Also, shrimp is really nasty for your water. If any gets stuck in your filters...its nasty. Insects are clean and you just throw them some old veg matter and they are fine...you can feed them cereal/oat meal too. Insects are the natural food for arowana, that is why there are top water fish. They don't eat that much shrimp (if any) in the wild.
live ones I think? if you get like 1000 do you have to feed them food? will they grow into beetles? I agree with it being way easier than shrimp and less contamination in the water. How many do you feed each time? Does meal worm have any parasite/disease that may affect your aro?
I like the idea of feeding every other day except my aro eats everyones food if left to long even if i feed him until he can't swallow anymore lol
I personally don't like feeding earth worms to my aro. I have in the past but now it's pellets and gut loaded insects
I did some research and it says the mw/sw have shells that will float on top of water after aro pukes it out. Is that a big issue?
I feed until my aro starts to slow down his attack, my guess it is around 15-20 meal worms. So a box easily last me a month or so. So far, I haven't seen any of the meal worms turn into beattles...even if they did...id feed that too. I usually just throw in some chinese veggies my wife doesnt want, some oat meal, they even eat cereal. I think its a good way to give your fish a good load of nutrients as its fresh, and they are gut loaded with veggies. In the summer, I just throw in tons of dandelions or cut grass. The meal worms love it. Dandelions have allot of nutrients.

I use to feed allot of worms. I did the worm compost thing with the red worms. Aro loved it. Wife less so as in the winter you have to bring it indoors, so I stopped that.

I think the key is to feed less, and do more stuff that is more natural (and alive)...
I feed my Black Arowana Market Shrimp, Crickets, Aro Sticks/Hikari floating stick and Massivore. he has had a huge appetite lately.