Foot long clown loach $168

I might have considered one but looking to acquire a 12" Lince Catfish soon so no more room.
i think its 12". its huge.... double the size of the 1's at luckys a few weeks ago. but no wheres as fat thou. some1 go buy it
chen ive been looking for those?
mind telling me where u are getting it?

Lince cats aren't hard to come by. Problem is shipping for a large one is expensive and they are very fragile to ship at that size. Gold Ocean got a couple large lince cats in a couple months ago (14"+), however I think one didnt make it.

Definitely not as rare as some smaller cats. Like C says it's the shipping that usually stops them from arriving live! And hence not many around. Also not easy to catch smaller size since they are migratory fish. I think on average from what I'm being told are around 12".
16" for $110 is a great price providing they last longer then a few days!...I've always had very bad luck with Clowns that dies on me!...only fish that I've had that doesn't last longer then me selling them! LOL