FS: Tenecor 150 acrylic tank


Arowana blogger
This 150 gallon acrylic tank (5' X 2' X 2') has been in use for a total of three years. It has a blue background and center rear overflow.

Comes with 30 gallon acrylic sump, all media, two overflow silencers, Bayside Aquarium Supply 1/15 horsepower pump (two years old, purchased from J&L), two 300 watt Ebojagger heaters, two dual Corallife compact flourescent lights with base feet (24 inches long each). Full stand and canopy. I can throw in some driftwood I imported direct from Bangkok along with some other odds and ends. :)

Tank is currently set up, will be disassembled in about 2 weeks. I am in process of setting up a new 300 gallon tank and so no longer need this one.

Tank is in very good condition. There are one or two small scratches, but I have the Tenecor buffing kit for scratch removal I can include in the price.

This tank is so versatile it is incredible. I have used it to hold all manner of monster type fish. With its sump it would also make a perfect marine tank.

Also, being acrylic, this tank is light and very easy for two people to move.

Asking $1300, (plus $400 for professional shipping and handling if applicable).

I have attached a photo of the tank prior to its set up and also a recent video of the tank in use.



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I am willing to drop the price on this package to $1000 plus shipping.

This is a hell of a deal. Broken down, it kind of looks like this:

150 gallon plexi tank with center overflow and lids - $400
35 gallon plexi sump with full set of biomedia - $200
Tenecor furniture quality stand - $200
Tenecor black wood canopy with lid - $100
Sump pump engine, 2 submersible heaters, Tenecor buffing kit - $100

Total: $1000

Add on shipping cost to anywhere in Canada, should be around $300-400 if done through professional moving company.

Final cost for this tank shipped anywhere in Canada would be $1300-1400

If you are in BC, save some money and pick up the tank yourself. :)

This tank is perfect to raise an aro. :)
If I had the space in my basement, if I was in a slightly different stage in life, I would be keeping this tank 100%.

The tank and stand is super stylish in a Danish modern kind of way; Tenecor did a great job on this cabinetry (rounded corners, flat black textured paint), and the center back overlfow to the sump means arowana get a full 2 foot turning radius on either end of the tank (due to no overlflows being located there). It really does work great as an aro tank.

Unfortuantely, the new 300 gallon I have waiting to set up is sitting in the middle of my basement taking up "family space" and basically has to go where my 150 gallon is now; hence, the 150 has to go.

PM's replied to.
Okay Mike, it's a deal. This is going to mean a busy time coming up. Gotta collapse the 150, temporarily move all my stock, set up the new 300, get it all cycled, etc., move all the fish back. Oh, and we are hosting a big Xmas party next week... :eek: