Arowana blogger
Kenta I think your tank needs major cleanup. It just looks too uncomfortable for you fishes.
Yeah Kenta, what the hell is going on! Do a water change right now buddy!

Kenta I think your tank needs major cleanup. It just looks too uncomfortable for you fishes.
You can do it for me, ill pay you with crickets
I have 3 300 gallon tanks stacked in a rack one on top of each other. The aro on top tank got drop eye, I had to shuffle the fish every couple months. They do tend to look down at you when ever your in the room.
you say aros get DE in the wild mmmmmmm maybe but they wouldnt get much food if they had DE in the wild
in the wild the water is not clear like in our tank its milky even in breeding ponds the water is not clear
we all know aros swim on the water surface looking for food trust me a aro in the wild or pond would not be able to see any food if it hit the floor in a pond like it would in a clear water tank
in the wild or pond a aro would never take food from the floor
in a tank the aro starts looking down for food in the wild or pond their would be no point in looking down as it wouldnt see anything
i have never let any aro i have owned take food from the tank base
Maybe we can find a way to get some aro farmers on this thread eventually to get their opinions...
HEHEHEHE where are you going to find farmers Theo hehehe XD