H2O custom aquatic

anybody know if Mike still running the business???

can anyone give me any advice if the vendor, failed to deliver and has owe me money for almost 9 months.

what can i do?
Have you gone down to see Mike in person in New York? I would do that, and if he does not make good on the situation, then launch a small claims law suit inside New York State. Provided you have saved all your email communication, and have docments for the wire transfers, etc., you should be able to use the courts there to help you. It is a bother and time consuming, but you are talking about quite a bit of money and so I think you should prepare to go in that direction.
howard, check in with Bill of Dragonfishexotic on here...Bill was from BC and recently moved to NY and opened up a business in the fish trade and has dealt with Mike directly as well as I believe was renting some of his space at one point...perhaps he can assist you....
Ive seen posting by mike selling fish still....but hope he has enough assets with him that he should be able to get you some $$! I'd pursue it!...lot of money!