Wow, that is a Panda Gold from the first group order three years ago? Should be getting close to sexual maturity soon. Are you ready for some adolescence in your house? lol

Nice looking FH
we can throw in Jeremiah's aro too....the person with the biggest tank so far has to be theo.. hahah but I think he has his own plans for that tank.
lol agree!! jeremiah got that aro from me around 4 years ago. i got that aro from someone else and he had it for around 3 years. that aro is a grandpa now! but still super healthy the last time i was at his place. eating a ton with his jumbo prochi and endi! if we can get all these huge aros together, that would be awesome. lol.
Theo did the 500+g tank arrive yet? I wonder what would be his collection? What kind of aro is his favorite? xback,SR etc? :D