Well I *just* posted this video on BCA and within 20 minutes I'd received a pm saying that I should really be posting it here as well. So here it is:'
This is taken with the new 2009 underwater Sanyo Xacti in 720p. The youtube video doesn't look anywhere as nice as it does on my ps3 on a tv, but it's still fairly impressive.
I still have a lot to learn about the camera and it would be nice if the lighting didn't glare so badly against the aro's colours, but this was my very first aquarium submersion video. I can cut and splice together videos on the camera so I'll be making some compilation videos in the near future.
This is taken with the new 2009 underwater Sanyo Xacti in 720p. The youtube video doesn't look anywhere as nice as it does on my ps3 on a tv, but it's still fairly impressive.
I still have a lot to learn about the camera and it would be nice if the lighting didn't glare so badly against the aro's colours, but this was my very first aquarium submersion video. I can cut and splice together videos on the camera so I'll be making some compilation videos in the near future.
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