
thanks theo for the insight i will fight for this twice its happening already i'm not going to sit still and not getting any response from them i will make a stop to this so it doesn't happen again.

mike bui
m class2g i feel your pain buddy i only hoped this will be the last time we will see this tread in the forum. stop killing our fish we as the group we have to come up with a better solution to solved this problem.

mike bui
m class2g i feel your pain buddy i only hoped this will be the last time we will see this tread in the forum. stop killing our fish we as the group we have to come up with a better solution to solved this problem.

mike bui

I have been emailing and chatting quite a bit lately with the new person in charge of the Westjet subcontracting company (note: Westjet recently changed the subcontractor's they use for shipping cargo inside Canada). I will bring it up to her for sure. Questions I have are could we as a group incorporate some kind of group ID to use for shipping? We could assign one trusted member to be the contact person for each city. There would be one shipping account number. This way we could get a bulk discount. It would also allow us to speak with one voice when dealing with these kinds of disputes...just ideas for now...
wow, i'm very sorry for what happened, I haven’t used westjet in several years, But in the past I kept a large collection of reptiles and found they made ALOT of mistakes, I had a pair of red ackies (an Australian dwarf monitor species) end up in the wrong airport, and even though properly registered and labelled as LIVE CARGO, they were left out on the runway over night before being found, and frozen solid,

I had a breeding group or rough scaled sand boas that I was shipping out to someone, in the Toronto area, and the didn’t arrive, the box (again market live cargo) were found 2 day’s later, in a freezer/cold storage room apparently, ? And somehow these guy’s survived,

I had a box with la caiman come in crushed, (luckely the caiman was in a hard plastic case inside the styro was unharmed) they apologized the mistakenly pilled the other luggage on top of it,

And While picking up this busted up package box I watched a guy through a box marked" live cargo” out of the plane onto the runway, and a second guy kicked it over to his buddy who was loading a trailer, these were not my animals, they were fish of some sort, but that was the last time I ever used them, mistakes happen but I witnessed first hand the neglect and I wont use them again