Henlei Update


It's been a while since I posted an update on my Henlei group. I'm really happy with how they're coming along; they eat like monsters and they've really put on some size. My biggest male is nearing the 20 inch mark. My biggest female (not in the video; she's been separated from the group because she was getting beat up) is just slightly bigger. The smaller male and female are around 17 inches, and probably the nicest looking of the group.


Thanks guys. Also hoping that they put out some pups for me. My big female took a whooping this fall. I'll try again once she's put on some more bulk.
they are awesome looking Brandon.....fat and healthy and hope they start to become a breeding machine for you soon!. Good Luck pal....nice work!
they are awesome looking Brandon.....fat and healthy and hope they start to become a breeding machine for you soon!. Good Luck pal....nice work!

Thanks Chen! Give me a shout if you're ever out towards my way on the weekends. You'll have to come by and check them out in person